Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Time Shift Blog. Kabbalistic Demonology. " Dear Ascending Family, As we wait for the shoe to drop in which the web of lies behind the 3D controlled narrative is showing its deep cracks in the reality, this begins to bring to the surface evidence of the covert global war that we are currently enduring. As a result of disclosure, more of us may be called to help explain the methodology of the luciferian religion behind the power elite groups or luciferian bloodlines that make up the Controllers. To most of the human population, common place black magic satanic rituals that involve the killing and torturing of other human beings, including children, for the purpose of gaining extreme wealth, power and control is just not fathomable. It is very hard for most people to fathom the levels of evil being perpetuated during this phase of human genocide via the plandemic, which is to purposely maim, injure and kill many of the global population. As krystic people, we gain our strength on the path to be one with God and Christ. We do our best to live in accordance to the natural laws of God, and we endeavor to serve our highest spiritual expression as God would have it be. The inner spiritual strength is what gives us the endurance and diligence to study and know the antics of the Anti-Christ, in which we can better identify those people, places and organizations that are acting as the enemy of the human race. Although Christ has no enemy, it is wise to know those groups possessed by Anti-Christ forces who would gain pleasure from torturing and killing humans for their own selfish power and means to control. Going back to the Luciferian doctrine and Kabbalistic Demonology helps to explain the control overlays introduced by the NAA to their preferred bloodlines over generations, in which the deal with the devil was made so to speak. As long as the bloodlines kept the line open to the NAA for unlimited human trafficking, child sacrifice and access to human body parts for harvesting on and off planet, these so called power elite would remain in global power for as long as they are being protected by the negative alien groups. This protection given from the NAA groups is coming to an end. " https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3722-kabbalistic-demonology
The experience gained on Earth through direct Gnosis reveals the deeper comprehension that the material world we live in today, is the amalgamation and consequence of the cause and effect that has been accumulated over many astrological ages of evolution between the original Christos Essene Tribe bloodlines and the invading groups insertion of artificial technologies through the Luciferian Fallen Angelic Serpent bloodlines. This could be comparable to knowing that both Christos Templar God forces, and the Anti-Christ Templar forces are competing bloodlines that have been directly involved in the co-creation of the organic and inorganic architecture and related instruction sets that make up the material reality in the earth timelines, as we currently experience it in the macrocosm.
Temporary Immortality.....
Thus, it is possible that we can perceive the existential internal struggle that exists in those born into amnesia, disconnected from the awareness of soul and unable to perceive their direct relationship with the eternal God source, and that some are desperate to seek occult knowledge at any price. In order to escape the material prison of the earth, they attempt to find the secret knowledge that allows them to escape the cycle of death and reincarnation by claiming a form of temporary immortality for themselves, with many willing to partake in Blood Sacrifice to achieve their aims. Ultimately, through the many egoic filters that shape the different factions of these secret societies that have been split off from the original Gnostic Templar teachings, the main goal has always been to achieve personal immortality and to somehow become exempt from the consequences of God’s Natural Laws, as their long-term agenda.
To gain self-mastery in navigating the world of these chaotic forces, to achieve ultimate spiritual liberation, each person will need to make a clear and decisive choice in what they choose as their consent to higher authority. When seeking truth in its highest expression, it becomes possible to hold the higher knowledge of these spiritual forces in perfect neutrality and in harmony with Oneness. It is intimately knowing that the truth spirit of Christos-Sophia and a pure heart filled with unconditional love is the only pathway that leads to spiritual freedom and eternal Godhood.....https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3722-kabbalistic-demonology
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