Friday, 23 July 2021

What you notice now is exhaustion on many levels, and a quiet, in a sense. It is not that you are quiet, but that the urgency has quieted. With that exhaustion/quiet comes a certain acceptance. These are what have been coined “stages of grief”.... “You are ending a time, a world, a moment, a matrix, a way of life.” Sophia. org........( Exhausted? I certainly am. I also bought some rose essence spray for grief, as i was sure it was an energy dousing me or emanating from me a few weeks ago ~~Michaela~~) July 21, 2021. It is the One. You have questions. I do. Thank you. They surround the information I was given yesterday.( It concerns the timing of the Ascension, the timing of everything. A year ago, you gave me markers to watch for. Would you expand now on the information from yesterday and the markers and where we are? Thank you. Yes. You find yourself much different than you were a year ago, do you not? Emotionally, yes. Physically, yes. You will notice subtle changes first. Remember this is a singularity. One cannot be separated from the other. One aspect of you does not exist in isolation. It exists as a part of the whole. Always connected. Much like humanity. What you notice now is exhaustion on many levels, and a quiet, in a sense. It is not that you are quiet, but that the urgency has quieted. With that exhaustion/quiet comes a certain acceptance. These are what have been coined “stages of grief”. ( “You are ending a time, a world, a moment, a matrix, a way of life.” These words came as I was transcribing, which has never happened before. It seems as if One has become my editor as well! ) First, there is shock. Eventually comes anger, denial, negotiation/bargaining and eventually – acceptance. What you notice is a sense of commonality, a coming together as well as individuation. You are seeing others for who they are, while noting the common thread that binds you – regardless of opinion. The point in mentioning any of this is to signify the change from just one year ago. Then, there was a general feeling of chaos and out of control. There was physical separation. There was physical violence. Anger. Shock. Fear. Today, although to some degree you find this still, another feeling accompanies it. There is a also a sense of acceptance; acceptance of differing points of view. There may not be understanding or agreement. Yet, there is acceptance. Not one of you has not encountered disagreement with a loved one/important “other”. That has helped to facilitate this “pause”. This room for new thought. It revolves around the notion of importance and the concept of value. What becomes primary? What would you place at the top of your focus? This last year and a half has honed your point of view. There is less insistence on being right. You are beginning to comprehend actual unity and true Oneness. This concept is one that must be lived. It is being felt viscerally now, and lived out quietly in your families and amongst friends and associates. People of value to each other, who share some aspect of their identity – yet do not agree. In this climate this cannot be avoided or ignored. Your earth life has become a shared experience due to the released virus and subsequent reactions and efforts. You are looking at the same thing – although through your own lens certainly. This process will have to be lived. There is no way to explain that to your satisfaction as you go through each day. You live it right now. It accelerates in progress as you do, and although there are no precise indicators such as mileage or percentages, certain things have to take place before it completes itself. That is the reason for the markers. They hold today. You notice that some of them have occurred while others have not. * There are facets of this journey that remain hidden to you. As it proceeds, you’ll have to find voices that you trust to point the way. Some things you are hearing and seeing are deliberate miscalculations. Others are mistakes. You will find a few who attempt to deceive you, even now. If things are said to you that invoke extreme emotion in either direction – take a second look. Deliberate manipulation of human emotion is the #1 tool of the dark ones. In this way, you are weakened, kept off-balance, distracted. A focused and empowered human is not something they want to deal with. To summarize and clarify and to answer the questions posed here, the markers remain. They are not, however, meant to be taken in sequential order exactly. Think of them as cumulative. They will have to occur in order to fulfill the process. You begin now to Unify. You will have to come to a collective decision. This has not yet happened. Once it does, things will rapidly proceed. In this way, the metaphor is accurate. Remember that set-backs and propulsions can and most likely will occur at any stage. What holds true is that a decision to participate in this inevitable process was made by each of you before birth. What will be lived out, felt and realized will be the part you play in it as it completes itself. It is the richness and fullness of your human emotion that drew you here in the first place. There are things to be gained from this moment that you won’t want to miss. The reason these things cannot be precisely foretold in a linear fashion is because you are deciding each moment as you live it. Let me repeat that. You are deciding each moment as you live it. Billions of you will collectively decide how this moment proceeds. The fact that it will happen is not in question. How is up to you. That is all. Thank you.

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