Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Two messages that together explain the bigger picture and which each offers a side of the bigger picture: ' The forever wave of consciousness that we as a species are units of the human component, in our own wave but are also units, inclusive of, and comprising the WHOLE of consciousness'. The first is " All direction and activation of the energy downloads come from within the Divine blueprint within each and every one of you. As the energies from other planets star systems and the central sun come into the planet, assimilations and activations take place within the corporal body which stimulates the human into action through the knowledge received within. We trust this gives you a better idea as to how ideas and inspirations are processed within and acted upon.( see previous post ) When combined with the second message, we are given two sides of the same bigger picture. The second message is this which describes the planets energy and HOW we interact with it. from the LUCIS TRUST First Festival of Leo - London - July 2021 Peter Peuler
Two messages that together explain the bigger picture and which each offers a side of the bigger picture. The first is from the previous post:
"All direction and activation of the energy downloads come from within the Divine blueprint within each and every one of you. As the energies from other planets star systems and the central sun come into the planet, assimilations and activations take place within the corporal body which stimulates the human into action through the knowledge received within. We trust this gives you a better idea as to how ideas and inspirations are processed within and acted upon.".................. An example of these ideas and inspirations that are processed and acted upon, is in one of my previous posts: http://inspiredheart8.blogspot.com/2021/07/haumea-earth-goddess-close-to-plutos.html Sunday, 25 July 2021.
Haumea. Earth Goddess. Close to Pluto's destruction, from her place a jewel on Pluto's Kuiper Belt, she does her magic. Where Pluto is, so is she, sprinkling rebirth sparkles over the dust from the chaos and deconstruction liberated by Pluto...." The name Haumea was given to a dwarf planet from the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system, near Pluto. " ..."The astrology of Haumea seems to be related to love of the natural world and to the fecundity of natural process. This archetype thus signals profound connection to Nature, connection to Source, and a form of natural charisma. It may well develop that this planetary archetype comes to represent the power of life to triumph over adversity by drawing upon inner reserves of vigor and natural lore, the instinctual urge to survive at any cost. Where she is located in the chart will be a source of inner strength, spiritual connection, and protean flexibility. "... "Haumea assists in bringing forth what is fresh or new, and facilitates its emergence. She is also an image of self-reliance, autonomy, revitalization and rejuvenation."
........the second message is this, which describes the planets energy and we interact with it.
First Festival of Leo - London - July 2021
Peter Peuler
Hello friends,
Each month we gather together subjectively to work with the specific energies and forces available during the period of the full moon. This month we seek to be sensitive to the influences of the sign Leo. This year Leo is even more powerful than usual because there are two full moons in Leo, one on July 24 and the other on August 22. Our work together is group work, and takes place on the mental plane within the heart center of the New Group of World Servers, that subjective group composed of many different kinds of servers who, consciously or unconsciously, strive to serve Humanity and the lower kingdoms for which Humanity as a whole is responsible to lift and aid. Let us take a few moments to silently link up within the heart center of the New Group of World Servers and then say together thre Mantram of the New Group.........
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the one Soul characterise the lives of all who seek to
aid the Great Ones.
May I fulfil my part in the one Work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness,
and right speech.
The purpose of the talks which begin each of our monthly meetings is to have our minds stimulated and thinking in the same direction. They prepare us for the real work of group meditation, where, as a group, we become more sensitive to the increased flow of spiritual energies and can, using the creative imagination, form those thoughtforms which can help to clear the mental body of Humanity and to plant those seeds which can grow and aid in the manifestation of the Plan. We are told that the Plan is that part of the planetary Purpose which we can grasp, and thus necessarily constantly expanding as our minds grow and are capable of identifying with ever-greater wholes. It is in this context that Leo is particularly important. It has been called the most human of all the signs, and represents that stage in the life of the disciple where the personality is finally integrated and a powerful agent within the outer worlds of appearance..............
In Aries, the soul has incarnated and has taken on mental substance. In Taurus, the desire nature has been added and the feeling, emotional body is appropriated. In Gemini, the soul is put into contact with the substance of matter, and the etheric body results. In Cancer the physical body is added and the unit identifies itself with the other in terms of the herd. It is in Leo, the fifth sign, that these parts of the soul’s vehicle come together, blend and fuse and become the integrated personality. It is in Leo that the man becomes the ruler, first of himself and then later of others. We learn from Esoteric Astology by Alice Bailey that ‘Leo is the birthplace of the individual, the coming into form of the individual self-conscious man who emerges out of the mass consciousness and herd in Cancer, substituting, for instinctual consciousness, self-awareness and a sense of responsibility of an individual kind’. Perhaps we could say that we are living today in a period of Humanity’s long history where the integrated personality is both a cause of so many problems, and at the same time the hope for the future. As we look around today at the present gap between the very rich and the very poor, we can see that integrated personalities who think only of themselves have the capacity to amass great fortunes, to control the flow of resources, money and otherwise, and to keep the masses under their control. This is true in the political, religious, economic and other fields of human endeavour. Luckily, the integrated personalities who are becoming responsive to soul impression, contact, and influence are also becoming more prevalent and powerful, increasing the ranks of the New Group of World Servers and the men and women of goodwill. The battle is on and our work together strengthens this latter group..............
Leo is the only sign which has the same ruler on all levels. The Sun rules on the outer, mundane planes, the inner esoteric ones, and also on those of the Spiritual Triad. They are all infused by the energy flowing from the sun, the physical sun, the heart of the sun, and the Central Spiritual Sun. It is the great source of light and warmth, and on Solar levels is the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. In Leo, the sun works through two hidden planets, Neptune and Uranus. Neptune, the great sacred planet channeling the energy of the sixth ray, brings through the possibilities to create those great ideals, those visionary plans which can be followed by unending devotion. Uranus, the sacred planet bringing through the seventh ray, provides that possibility to anchor spirit into matter by the creation of the suitable forms and the structured order brought about through ceremony, directed purpose. Again we can see how this light, devotion and order can be used by the integrated personality for selfish or unselfish purposes. Powerful leaders can create healthy national personalities and national unity, or nations focussed on subduing other nations and peoples to their selfish and separate aims. This is well described in Esoteric Astrology as we read, ‘This sign has frequently been described as the battlefield of the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light. It is occultly regarded as one of the most material signs, in-as-much as selfish desire for possession of material objectives can be peculiarly present and the display of the possessive spirit can violently control; yet, at the same time, the advanced Leo person can function as the inspired spiritual Sacrifice’. He is then sensitive to world conditions and freed from personal desires’...........
As we study the different signs each month, it is necessary to see them in the context of the whole zodiac. While we have in our minds the rather fixed idea of the twelve signs, we are reminded that this was not always the case. We are told in that wonderful little book, The Labours of Hercules, which is a re-print of the articles by Alice Bailey in the magazine, The Beacon, in 1957 to 1958, that ‘Originally the zodiac consisted only of ten constellations and, at some date practically unknown, the two constellations, Leo and Virgo, were one symbol. Perhaps the mystery of the sphinx is connected with this, for in the sphinx we have the lion with a woman’s head, Leo with Virgo, the symbol of the lion or kingly soul, and its relation to the matter or Mother aspect. It may, therefore, signify the two polarities, masculine and feminine, positive and negative’. It is also said that Aquarius and Pisces were added to the zodiac when Humanity showed that it had evolved to the state where the energies flowing from these two signs could have a positive influence for Humanity’s evolution. We can imagine that other signs will be recognised as Humanity progresses. It is important that we keep an open mind and understand the changing and fluid nature of the influences which shape our destiny............
It is interesting to read also in Esoteric Astrology that it was in Leo that individualisation took place and the fourth kingdom of nature appeared, 21,688,345 years ago, (at the time of the writing of this book). We are then told that it took 5000 years more when the Sun was in Gemini for human beings to mature, that the final crisis of individualisation took place and the door then closed to the animal kingdom. These numbers go beyond the limits even of our imagination, yet put into perspective Humanity’s long road to the present. One of the earliest known humans relatively recently discovered was Homo habilus or ‘handy man’ who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa. As time progresses we can expect more finds which place Humanity’s history as more and more ancient........
Leo is part of the Fixed Cross. It brings in light and liberation. Along with Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, the Fixed Cross is the Cross of Discipleship, and its goal is the development of consciousness. Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo, provides Leo with that evolutionary pull to transform selfish purpose into unselfish service. Taurus provides the transmuting of desire into light, while Scorpio creates that liberation from the glamours of the entire integrated personality to permit the continued journey to ever-increasing service. Leo and Aquarius are related by the Sun and Jupiter which respond to the second ray energy of Love/Wisdom, and through Uranus with its occult possibilities and seventh ray anchoring of spirit into matter. The Aquarian server, Aquarius being a fixed air sign, needs the energy of Leo, a fixed fire sign. Each sign and its opposite hold the keys to the resolution of the problems of the pairs of opposites, that tendency to swing back and forth until each pole recognises that the other is necessary for unity to be achieved. In Leo man has reached the end of his possibility to go further as a personality. He becomes more and more sensitive to the possibilities of the expansion that the soul can bring. He is aided by all the energies flowing from the other signs of the Fixed Cross and their rulers. We are told that ‘Because of its position upon the Fixed Cross, Leo comes under the influence, direct or indirect, of six planets: The Sun; Neptune; Uranus; Jupiter; Venus; Mars. All of these are potent in expression in this sign, achieving a determined point of revelation and producing, through their united activity and interplay, the six-pointed star of humanity. They condition the man’s consciousness but no events, except in so far as his consciousness assumes control at a certain point in his evolution’. As we move further into the Aquarian Age and the changes which will naturally occur, we can assume that there will come about a closer relationship between consciousness and outer events. When the soul begins to control the outer form, the personality, the Plan will become more and more in manifestation. ‘Leo and Aquarius, through the Sun and Jupiter, are related to Ray 2. Development of the individual consciousness into world consciousness. Thus a man becomes a world server.’.............
Because our solar system is a 2nd Ray system, all the rays within the system are sub-rays of the 2nd Ray of Love Wisdom. Consciousness is the major task to be achieved, and the evolution of consciousness can be seen as man travels around the zodiac. In Cancer, mass awareness is developed, the instinctual consciousness is used. In Leo, individual awareness is present, and the man develops intelligent consciousness. In Aquarius, group awareness is entered, and intuitive consciousness is finally achieved. Consciousness continually expands, and the man in Leo, the achieved product of integrating his physical/etheric, emotional, and mental bodies in the world of the personality can look forward to a whole new world of possibilities opening up. He has gone as far as he can within the world of the personality, and he feels the pull of Aquarius working through his soul. This is when he also discovers the glamours of the 2nd Ray holding him back. Because the 2nd Ray flowing through the Sun permeates every unit within the system, it is safe to say that we all are immersed to varying degrees in the glamours of the 2nd Ray. In Alice Bailey’s book, Glamour, A World Problem, the different glamours of the 2nd Ray are enumerated. They are worthy of our consideration since they are becoming more and more evident, and are rising increasingly to the surface of Humanity’s consciousness. They include the love of being loved, and the desire to be popular. This glamour is daily demonstrated by the almost obsessive need to be liked on the social media. Individuals and groups go so far as to request that you press the like figure so that they can gain in influence. Whole professions of influencers have been born of those who can amass the greatest following. We can see this glamour in politics also, as politicians do all they can to be popular, with specific programs to be of service taking a second seat. Glamour is created when higher energy is distorted and oriented to the separated individual instead of the greater whole of which the individual is a part. Another glamour which is evident in the self-oriented Leo subject is that of personal wisdom, and selfish responsibility. He knows what is best not only for himself but for everyone else. Since Leo subjects are frequently in a position of leadership, this can lead to much conflict and can destroy positive group interactions and service. Alice Bailey mentions that the glamour of self-pity is a basic glamour of the 2nd Ray, and that the common cold is related to this glamour. The common cold virus is related to the present COVID 19 virus on a basic level, and we can use our imagination to see how destructive the glamour of self-pity can be for Humanity as a whole. Fear, based on undue sensitivity, is another basic glamour of the 2nd Ray. We read in Esoteric Astrology that ‘Our solar system is one in which sensitivity to contact is the dominant quality; it is in the process of becoming cosmically aware; it is driven by need and environing cosmic circumstances to develop love-wisdom and both these words are descriptive and expressive of the consciousness aspect. Love is response to contact and this – in the human being – means understanding, inclusiveness and identification. Wisdom connotes skill in action as the result of developed love and the light of understanding; it is the awareness of requirements and ability to bring together into a fused relationship the need and that which will meet it. Service is essentially a scientific mode of expressing love-wisdom under the influence of one or other of the seven rays, according to the soul ray of the serving disciple.’ The disciple in Leo feels this basic fear hidden deeply within himself, and in the labour of Hercules he must confront the lion within the cave, away from the onlooking crowds. He must face himself as a personality before he can go on to Virgo when he becomes aware of the Christ within the womb of matter.........
The effects of the ever-present energy of love-wisdom are different, depending on the structure of matter on which it impinges. The response mechanism for each individual is different, which leads to the beauty of infinite possibilities within the synthetic whole. In Leo, this basic energy is present on all levels. His rulership can lead to brutal dictatorship or Plato’s philosopher king. All depends on how much substance has been purified by the fires of experience and the circumstances in time and space. As Leo represents the ruler, it may be of value to think about what qualities are required for the leader in Leo to demonstrate. Since the 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom is so influential in Leo, leadership involves the proper use of this energy when ruling, whether ruling of the individual self, as a family or group member, or as a leader of greater groups such as nations or groups of nations. We are told that love is an energy which seeks to guard, to stimulate, and to protect. It provides a safe ring-pass-not in which the unit can develop with freedom and security. Love stimulates because it strengthens the evolutionary urge to creative betterment. It could be said that Leo, as a leader, must govern with a sense of right proportion, the kind of humility which comes from sensitivity to Aquarius, the sign of service. This is well demonstrated by the type of labour Hercules faced in Aquarius. No great and lofty task, he was told to go and clean the stables. A good leader must hold a vision before those he directs, a kind of enlightened expectancy towards more inclusiveness and group progress.......
A good and modern example of leadership is Barak Obama, the former President of the United States. His recent book, A Promised Land, is a fascinating study of a leader who was born in Leo and has Aquarius rising. This book details the period leading up to and including his presidency, with all the idealism and stark realities which one could imagine in a world leader with both Leo and Aquarius in great prominence. During the primary season before he won the Democratic Party nomination, he traveled all over talking to everyday people to find out what they really wanted and how to help them. He recognises his limitations and is very clear on both his shortcomings and his assets. He wrote, ‘I had asked something hard of the American people - to place their faith in a young and untested newcomer; not just a Black man, but someone whose very name evoked a life story that seemed unfamiliar. Repeatedly I’d given them cause not to support me. There’d been uneven debate performances, unconventional positions, clumsy gaffes...Despite all that, they’d given me a chance. Through the noise and chatter of the political circus, they’d heard my call for something different. Even if I hadn’t always been at my best, they’d divined what was the best in me: the voice insisting that for all our differences, we remained bound as one people, and that, together, men and women of goodwill could find a way to a better future. I promised myself I would not let them down.’..........
Leo provides that fire needed to express and manifest the Plan. Aquarius provides the lofty ideas and ideals to keep the plan moving forward. As we enter the Aquarian Age, the Sun shining in Leo will become increasingly important. Let us do our part now, in meditation, to constructively imagine and use this inflowing energy............
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