I had a big meditation today and the answer to my intention was given as Orions Belt. so I spent some time pulling information together to see what resonates.
I have been looking up at Orions belt during these winter nights and wondered what it represents so when it came as the answer today I felt I must already know what it means and what I am looking for.
In the mediation I blended the information from a few posts to see that there is a flow, a torus field, a bigger higher dimensional (heaven) self, an inner child and time is a component of creation on earth, so what are we creating???
....what is the horizontal field that cuts across us (forming a cross in the mid sections of humanity, in our abdominal area) and produces the antagonising energies that block the flow .....
(of Time, the component of creation, and therefore blocks the flow of life-force down through us to the creator 'child' on this earth who resides within)
...... down through to be utilised by the creator 'child' at the centre of the toroidal field.
The rigid Saturnian rules and regulations that have been constrictive and patriarchal, "there is no time to play"...have been thickened to block up and form a blockage in the constriction point in the hour glass of time, in the middle of our toroidal selves. A belt has been tightened ..

Around the mid-riff abdominal area (which is that part of the biological system that informs us of the outside environment, the gut that relays what is good and not good, it warns, it is the brain gut pathway and relay system that is on red alert) is a belt that has formed the constriction point that blocks the flow of time to play.
As above so below. I keep, keep, keep seeing this so I blended the information from the blogs (mentioned below) in meditation to ask what is the restriction that we need to reconcile, what is the interface that keeps us this side of the veil? How do we get where need to go, what system do we need to navigate?
So, the answer given was Orions Belt. I searched and searched for what this might mean, and collated some extracts on Orions Belt.
Maybe it will illuminate, lets see.
2 from Jamye Price: Spiraling with Time + February 2018 Ascension Energies – Looking BackAllowing Time To Flow
The passive force of Time is calling for you to allow that flow through your structure more readily. Rather than resisting it, allow Time to flow through easily.
This relationship with Time is your peace, your openness, your knowing that all is well and occurring perfectly and that all that you need, you will access in that moment. You are prepared and you are open—you are peaceful—Time then flows through your structure more easily.
Instead of just reacting to what is occurring, you are flowing and allowing this natural law to propel you and compel you through your choice. Rather than mere reaction, you are utilizing an open awareness and responding.
You are utilizing your vibrational resonance, and consciously choosing to utilize the 99% non-physical of you.
Spirals of Time
We used a visualization recently to discuss Time as the hourglass of a spiral, a spiral that is wide at the top and gets smaller towards the center and then spins in the other direction and gets wide at the bottom.
We use this visualization because it actually represents the physical structure of Time, though it is invisible, because Time moves in relation to its environment and all energy here spins. Time is in-built into all physical matter so it represents the same structure of movement.
The spiral, while you can use the metaphor in many ways, represents an aspect of “physical” Time. It is a toroidal shape expanded and stretched. As you imagine that hourglass spiral that is spinning slowly and wide at the top and then getting smaller and faster as it meets the middle, that point in the middle is where you could imagine the metaphor of the passive and active forces meeting. The spiral then shifts direction.
and from Pamela Kribbe: The Interplay Between Soul and Earth
So you could say there is a vertical flow from Heaven to Earth. The soul descends and the body becomes imbued with the light of the soul – it is nurtured and inspired by it. The body receives the soul and the light passes through the body into the Earth. From that point of view, there is nothing to worry about and everything is fine, just as it should be. Why then all the anxiety, tension, and compulsive control? These obsessive, reactive energies have their origins in human society. They come from the thought forms that prevail there: the ideas, the standards, the judgments, especially those from the past.
So along with that vertical flow from Heaven to Earth, where your soul and body stand in positive relation to each other, there is also a kind of counter force at work. This happens more on the horizontal plane and creates a hindrance. These horizontal currents are the opposing forces from society that are based on fear and judgment, on the idea that life on Earth is entirely about survival, struggle, and competition with your fellow human.
and from
.....But on the other hand, it is fragile and sensitive to love and recognition from others. This child needs you with your strong, powerful consciousness that takes it under its protection when necessary.
Imagine that you now feel this child present in the area of your abdomen and heart: in the middle of your torso, in the center of your body. Feel the wisdom of this child and also the freedom from care and its originality. This child, in its originality, does not concern itself with what society thinks it should and should not do – it is just what it is. Feel for a moment that radiant light, so earthly and so heavenly at the same time. This living child in you is a beautiful fusion of heavenly and earthly energies. At the same time, it is a child who has to learn to find its way in earthly reality and for that it needs you.
and from
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray: Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018
It is imperative that you know who you are, your divine sovereignty, for the coming events. Your mission of empathic telepathic nature to tune into the unity field consciousness alliance will be the awakening of a divine power that you put into place long ago.
Why we are making more contact in a new way of awakening your God essence DNA is so you may know and be aware yourselves that there is discord within the treaties, deliberate assault and attacks on Humanity in attempts to weaken the Divine template. As you increase awareness and awakening of your avatar ascension bodies, there is increased compromise in the land, air and consciousness. It is why there will temporarily be more ill health, sickness and possibly fatalistic viruses.
Many on your planet already do not even know what a healthy normal sky looks like. What you see is not the natural occurrence of Gaia alone; it is a manipulation of the elements while the increase of the devices of technology are keeping you deceived and consuming.
Searching for light on Orions belt.
Searching for light on Orions belt.
The constellation of Orion is of vast importance in our sacred quest for full remembrance since it is the master template of duality in this dimensional universe. The three stars in the belt of Orion, what we call the EL*AN*RA (Mintaka, Al Nilam, Al Nitak in traditional astronomy), are the main control points or pins which hold our universe into position. It is through the central star in Orion’s belt, the Eye of AN,, that we shall travel as we make our journey through the Doorway of the 11:11.
Orion is divided into three zones. The upper zone is ruled by the star Betelgeuse. Here are the Councils of Light. The lower zone is controlled by the star Rigel and is the home of the Dark Lords. In the central portion of Orion is a Zone of Overlap which contains the EL*AN*RA. This area could be referred to as the Great Light for it represents the sacred, alchemical union of dark and light into One. It is served by Lord Metatron and the Council of the Elohim.
\ / \ / \ /\ / \ / \ / \/ \/ /\ /\ / \ / \ / \/ \ / \ / \
Orion is like a large Antarion Conversion. Within its Zone of Overlap, all dualities have merged into One. Our present challenge is to create that Zone of Overlap within ourselves until we are irrevocably anchored into Oneness.
but to get back on track….
Below is a more detailed picture of the Milky Way in relation to our solar system, which is on the Orion arm. There are two main arms around the central bulge and we are placed on a spur of the Perseus arm called the Orion spur.
And the orion belt is what marks the procession of the equinoxThe meaning of Giza plateau in Egypt could have several meanings.
1. The Giza Plateau in Egypt is a large precise monument of the Astrological clock of precession using the constellation of Orion to mark the beginning of precession cycle with Orion’s belt at its lowest point and then it’s highest point in the precession 25,920/2 = 12,960 years later. 12,900 years ago (Leo sector of the Zodiac) + 12,960 years = 60 years = 2,160 AD (Aquarius sector of the Zodiac).
The date now being 2011AD there are 49 years to go to the beginning of the age of Aquarius in 2060AD. The small pyramid at Giza is an estimate by the ancient Egyptians as to location of Orion’s belt 12,960 years later in 2,060 AD (Aquarius sector of the Zodiac) due to the “Precession of the Equinox”.
Where the Sphinx marks the position of Leo at the Vernal Equinox was built between 12,972 years ago (10,972 BC) and 12,900 years ago (10,900 BC) along with the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The Sphinx looks precisely at East. By what this point is remarkable? Precisely in east the Sun ascends only two times per one year, per days of equinoxes. And as shown in figure of celestial coordinates, these two points determine a line of equinoxes. It is possible to tell that the Sphinx always looks in a point of vernal equinox on a celestial orb.
1. The Giza Plateau in Egypt is a large precise monument of the Astrological clock of precession using the constellation of Orion to mark the beginning of precession cycle with Orion’s belt at its lowest point and then it’s highest point in the precession 25,920/2 = 12,960 years later. 12,900 years ago (Leo sector of the Zodiac) + 12,960 years = 60 years = 2,160 AD (Aquarius sector of the Zodiac).
The date now being 2011AD there are 49 years to go to the beginning of the age of Aquarius in 2060AD. The small pyramid at Giza is an estimate by the ancient Egyptians as to location of Orion’s belt 12,960 years later in 2,060 AD (Aquarius sector of the Zodiac) due to the “Precession of the Equinox”.
Where the Sphinx marks the position of Leo at the Vernal Equinox was built between 12,972 years ago (10,972 BC) and 12,900 years ago (10,900 BC) along with the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The Sphinx looks precisely at East. By what this point is remarkable? Precisely in east the Sun ascends only two times per one year, per days of equinoxes. And as shown in figure of celestial coordinates, these two points determine a line of equinoxes. It is possible to tell that the Sphinx always looks in a point of vernal equinox on a celestial orb.
hope it helps
5. Throat chakra: Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai, Egypt; Mt of Olives, Jerusalem.
For all of the earth chakras, the art of listening to the will of the Earth is something which needs to be mastered. Humans will never harmonize with the purpose of life until they learn to hear and respect the voice of the Earth spirit. Nowhere is this more crucial than in the Middle East, where the world throat chakra resides.
The Earth is speaking, and no one seems to be listening. Imagine a Middle East where Jerusalem and Mecca are world heritage cosmopoli, open to all cultures. Imagine a Middle East that is at the world vanguard in advancing the respect for all beings – human and non-human – to live, and live abundantly. From Egypt to Iran, imagine a Middle East that is culturally united, and communicating to the rest of the world the art of everlasting life. The voice of the Earth is singing the gospel of life in this region. Who is listening?
Three sites are given here as best defining the center of this chakra. Mt. Sinai, between the other two, is a useful point from which to construct the expanded circle. The Immortal Moses, who carried Cabalistic wisdom from out of Egypt, crossed the abyss and beheld Living Eternity at Sinai. The Great Pyramid is one of the few artificial earth chakras. Unite your own True will with the Highest Purpose of the Earth and, with energized enthusiasm, project this united force as a living word from out of the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid – or from the summit. The Mount of Olives, on the eastern edge of Jerusalem – overlooking the mystic Golden Gate – is a focus for Jewish, Christian, and Islamic futurism. If Immortality is the key, archetypal Word of this Aquarian Aeon, then this Word needs to be clearly heard, by all cultures, from the Mount of Olives. From here, let the Word of the Aeon open the Golden Gate, so that all beings may enter into full life within a planetary New Jerusalem – an eternal home to all species, cultures, and faiths.
this site led me to the following and the world of dates and palm trees and the Sinai Bedouin, where I realise that I must be linking in already because I have three palm plants in my home. A largeish dwarf date palm and two smaller palms.
My name is Hamid Soleman. I was born and raised in Dahab, South Sinai and I work with tourists. My family owns palm trees that have been passed down through generations in Dahab, Ein Hodra and Wadi Feran. I would like to tell you about their importance to our tribes.
Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. They are believed to have originated around what is now Iraq, and have been cultivated since ancient times, possibly as early as 4000 BCE. The Ancient Egyptians used the fruits to make date wine, and ate them at harvest.
Date palms are dioecious, which means that there are both male date palms and female date palms. We don’t know which is which until they are big.
Once a male date palm has reached maturity (usually at about 12 years old) it will form flowers in early spring. These male date palm flowers are the source of date palm pollen. The female date palm yields flowers which will become dates, if they are pollinated.
The wind sometimes takes the pollen from the male to the female or the Bedouin cut it and and take it to the female.
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