A guide to the Gaia awakening.
Earth Warriors & the New World
Posted on March 13, 2017

There is a war going on, not the wars we know about, this is a war of energy, of dimensional frequencies. The matrix is being decommissioned. Some of it we see, some we don’t. This is a war for Gaia, for our minds, bodies and souls. To fight this unseen war is to raise our vibrations. It’s to stay positive, to choose love vibration and reject fear frequency.
The political elite, the propaganda of Hollywood, music industry puppets, the big corporations, the aristocracy, they are all feeling the burn. They know we and our intergalactic friends are coming for them.
The time for freedom is now, as predicted for millenia, by many races here and elsewhere. This is cosmic, celestial, rare and necessary. Our free will has been compromised, our intergalactic allies are now directly involved.
Expect controlled and manipluated disclosure soon. Be rational, calm and intellectual in how you approach this coming knowledge. The cabal in power on planet earth are far scarier than anything out there. We have been living with the enemy for thousands of years, it’s time to reclaim what is ours, our lands, our minds, hearts and souls and our lives.
Turn off all advertising and mainstream media, it is all programming. Programming how we feel, see, eat, want and believe. Be wary of rules, of commands, of anything that labels and boxes us in. Seek freedom of choice, listening to our heart, not our ego.
Approach all mainstream culture with caution, the agenda is forced, desperate and powerful. Designed to mould our children, to programme polarity of thinking from a young age. Misogyny and sexualistation of children is rife in US media exports, switch them off!
We are right in the middle of a storm, a silent storm, a cosmic storm, at its heart, a war for energetic frequencies. The more people the elite can keep in the holographic third dimension, the more energy they harvest.
Unseen friends are tackling the military elite, sources report the US FEMA camps are being disbanded. There is a lot of activity behind the smokescreen of pantomime politics being played out in world mainstream media.
To play our part, to be an earth warrior is to wake up, unplug, activate our chakra system. Clearing, strengthening and balancing our systems helps us stay centred, be fluid and flow with waves of frequency ascension. Enjoy being here on planet earth, feel the seasons change, breathe long and deep. Reconnect to Gaia and the vibration of nature, of universal love.
The matrix feeds on our vulnerabilities, our weaknesses, our childhood and ancestral karma. It persuades us it can fill the hole, carved by the elite to make us pliable, in our soul. It can’t. Only we can fill that hole, with love energy.
Become more compassionate, calmer and clearer thinking beings. Let universal love energy become part of you, let it integrate with your cellular and soul being. Our inner world becomes our outer experience. Manifest abundance, equality, freedom and love in your life and on Gaia.
Mantra: I release fear, I embrace love.
By Morag awakening5dhealing Facebook, wordpress, YouTube.
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