I had seen this symbol before, and it cropped up in few places, I knew it was related to the pope/vatican so I didn't wonder too much about it.
I then came across the Antarion Conversion, and the Orion constellation, whereby we learn through spiritual practice, to consciously attain balance and transmute the duality experience on earth, (provided and regulated by the overlords of the lower section of Orion Constellation), and Orions belt is the 'overlap' in which this balance occurs.
The duality on earth whipped into a frenzy by the aforementioned dark overlords (baddies), must be balanced and transmuted back into the celestial heavenly oneness (goodies) of the heavens so that we have heaven on earth, finally.
So it is this duality on earth, which of course has played out, in this experience (or cycle or epoch) to the extortionate dominant tune of Patriarchal Energies in dominance 'overlording' (verb) or LORDING it OVER the mother energies.
Its time for the divine feminine and divine masculine to be restored and in balance.
ANYWAY today I was prompted again about the keys, began to search out something that would be synchronous with whats coming to me at the moment.
I had been intrigued by Santos Bonacci and listened to secrets of Saturn interview (again... there is so much in it you can't take it all in at one sitting) and listened to where he discussed that
....Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven."
and so, the keys again.....
The symbol of the crossed keys has been taken (hostage) to validate the position of the pope, by the pope, who had 'officially' "been given" keys of office, because he is the 'next to god' ruler.
The keys of heaven are handed to the man. The man in/and the office, in this 'duality reality', overlords (verb) over the people and actively destroys the divine feminine. Having 'said' possession of the crossed keys, then alludes to the righteousness of his position, that, it is ONLY in following him, the office of the pope, that people will gain entrance to the kingdom of heaven. The belief and following of this doctrine, then sets about the deconstruction of the human psyche to become UNBALANCED, mindless sheeple, deconstructed and disempowered, pawns and canon fodder, the rest is history......
And so the crossed keys came back to me today, and I needed to get more insight on the meaning, and I found something about the crossed key symbol which fits better and, even could be the conceptual meaning behind these latest synchronicities from heaven.
See below ..."But note how the keys are crossed symmetrically. This indicates the need for balance. When we create by using a balance of analytical thought and nurture those ideas with positive emotions, we create the perfect outcome: the child.
Do you see how all this symbolism is knitting together? Allow me to explain a little further."
see how 'the child' comes again.
Keys of Heaven
In ecclesiastical heraldry, papal coats of arms (those of individual popes) and those of the Holy See and Vatican City State include an image of crossed keys to represent the metaphorical keys of the office of Saint Peter, the keys of heaven, or the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, that, according to Roman Catholic teaching,[1] Jesus promised to Saint Peter, empowering him to take binding actions.[2] In the Gospel of Matthew16:19, Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven."
The keys of heaven or keys of Saint Peter are seen as a symbol of papal authority: "Behold he [Peter] received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the power of binding and loosing is committed to him, the care of the whole Church and its government is given to him [cura ei totius Ecclesiae et principatus committitur (Epist., lib. V, ep. xx, in P.L., LXXVII, 745)]".[3]
The Symbolic Meaning of Cross Keys
https://mastermindcontent.co.uk/cross-keys/Even if you are not clued up on esoteric symbolism, I expect you will recognise the image of two crossed keys. This symbol is found in Christian Churches, numerous coats of arms across Europe and in England, the names of pubs.

The Crossed keys is the Coat of Arms of the Holy See
As with all esoteric symbols, there is some confusion as to its actual meaning. The official view is the crossed keys represent the Keys of Heaven that were entrusted to Simon Peter by Jesus.
Matthew 16:19
[Jesus says]: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Right now, I would like you to put aside any feelings or understanding you have about heaven and earth. Forget your prejudices, hold back your opinions and certainly ignore all the dogmatic bullshit like this:
“The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding. The gold key alludes to the power in the kingdom of the heavens and the silver key indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth.”
For the purpose of this article, let’s reposition the meaning on “Heaven” and “Earth”. For now, suppose heaven is your mind, and earth is your heart. Thus Heaven is your thoughts and Earth is your emotions.
Gold key, Silver key
The secret to unlocking the esoteric meaning of the cross keys is their opposing colours: gold and silver. This is actually a disguise for the sun (gold) and moon (silver) which appears predominantly throughout alchemical symbolism.
The symbolic meaning of the sun and moon is male and female respectively, so crossing of the keys demonstrates the union of two opposites. When man and woman are joined together in matrimonial union, the unit is said to be complete.
We all have a male and female aspect of our personalities. When we learn to balance masculine and feminine qualities we are complete.
Furthermore, the sexual union between male and female can result in the creation of a child – the key word here being creation. This is also another concept that is rife throughout symbolism all over the world.

The sun and the moon – and therefore the crossed keys – have many meanings; but I am going to limit it to just one – the most important meaning = YOU.
Well actually, us, mankind as a species.
Let’s go back to heaven and earth, mind and heart, thoughts and emotions….
The sun and consciousness
In esoteric symbolism, the sun means – the meaning I want to talk about – Enlightenment.
The sun lights the world, it gives us life, it illuminates. Wisdom illuminates the minds of men. Wisdom comes from knowledge and understanding, knowledge and understanding is consciousness.
So essentially, the sun represents the cognitive behaviour of the mind and our resulting understanding of our experience.
There are eight levels of consciousness, but let’s concentrate on the first four – the earthly four we can achieve as mortal human beings. (We can achieve levels of consciousness beyond the principle four, but that would require too much explanation and it is so fantastical you wouldn’t believe me anyway).
So let’s move on swiftly…
The lowest state of consciousness is base consciousness; our animal instincts that arise from the reptilian and mammalian brain.
These base emotions are the feelings and desires we develop as children and typically carry into our adult lives. The make us want to feed, they make us want to fuck. They make us do things we know we shouldn’t.
In alchemical symbolism, base conscious is represented by the devil and various wild animals such as the ass and the ox.
The next level of consciousness is conscious awareness, the understanding when we receive when we have a ha-ha moment and can move forward with our new found wisdom. You may even experience what we call an ‘epiphany’ and become washed over with a strange feeling that makes you feel light and kinda fuzzy.
This feeling is one stage of becoming illuminated. You may have heard the expression Christ-consciousness. That is this level of consciousness.
Look at an image of Jesus and other saints in a church and you will see a yellow “halo” over his head. This is actually the sun. It says: this guy is illuminated.Sometimes you see 12 stars – 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 laws of the Universe.

Then there is God-consciousness. This is pretty much the stage when you have mastered your thoughts and emotions and understand how to work with the magical energies that are governed by the Laws of the Universe.
The eighth level is that state of consciousness enlightened people live in on a daily basis. This is the stage known as samadhi, satori, nirvana or whatever else you want to call it.
Then you have the fourth level of conscious which is described by ancient philosophers as “Absolute Consciousness” or the “Truth”. At this point we realise we are all one and understand just about everything.
The moon and emotions
In alchemical symbolism, the moon represents female energy, and more specifically emotions. Male energy is the sun = the mind because men are noted for the ability to be analytical.
Women understand love, caring and nurturing which is reflected by the moon – the opposite celestial object we see in the sky, one in the day, the other at night. In the case of the silver key, emotion is Earth – which needs cultivating and nurturing.
So let’s go back to the concept of male and female union in relation to thoughts and emotions. When we combine analytical thinking with emotion we create. But we always create something; both good and bad.
But note how the keys are crossed symmetrically. This indicates the need for balance. When we create by using a balance of analytical thought and nurture those ideas with positive emotions, we create the perfect outcome: the child.
Do you see how all this symbolism is knitting together? Allow me to explain a little further.
The origins of the Cross Keys symbolism
The crossed keys are said to be the Keys to Heaven, the Truth for that which we seek. In Masonry, the keys are said to unlock the doors of Solomon’s Temple. King’s Solomon Temple is an analogy which refers to understanding the wisdom of the Universe.
The story of King Solomon in the Bible goes like this: God asks Solomon for one wish. King Solomon says he wants to understand his people. God is so pleased by the King’s selfless wish that he grants him all the wisdom in the world.

So the keys are to unlock the secrets of our thoughts and emotions. They are crossed to indicate the need for balance. And when we can master our thoughts and emotions and bring them into balance we unlock the doors to the Universe and all the wisdom contained in nature.
We are nature. Our purpose on Earth is to understand our True Nature. Learn how to use the crossed keys of thoughts and emotions to unlock the treasure chest of your life.
One of the major areas of physical interaction that must be explained so that you may come to a greater understanding, is the balance of the male/female energies within each of you. The battle of the sexes began aeons ago, as some of the unique energies of the Lemurian Race and the Atlantean Race began to merge. The Lemurian race was OverLighted by the energy of the beloved Mother Goddess. She focused on the integration of the Love/emotional nature within the physical vessel − along with the desire to create on the physical plane, and to nurture and assist the new Spirits arriving on Earth. Last but not least, was to establish each Soul’s intuitive mind connection with Spirit via the Creative Cord of Life/Light. This was the dominating focus of the Divine Blueprint for humanity at that time. You were like joyous, exuberant, curious children, for this was a grand new experience for all of you.
Midway through the Age of Lemuria, the Golden Age of Atlantis began to emerge, and for this cycle, the dynamic energies of the Father God were the dominant force on Earth. Powerful masculine energies came to the fore, as humanity learned to use their minds to control the energies of the First Ray and to become masters of cocreation on the earthly plane. You added the mental body components as you became more proficient in developing and using your physical senses, as well as your spiritual senses, or what you now call extrasensory perception. As the energies of polarity and duality began to emerge, a division in consciousness also came into play. Some perceived the masculine traits and attributes to be superior, and others favored the gentler feminine virtues. Gradually the battle of the sexes began, and you began to mistrust the opposite sex more and more because of the many painful memories you experienced over your many lifetimes.
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