Thursday, 15 February 2018

Vera Ingeborg: Twin Flames – Embodying the Energetic Dance | The Wake Up Experience by ForeverUnlimited

More on the internal balance of divine masculine and feminine energies, the balance, the Sun and the Moon. These are the crossed keys of balance, needed for divine creation.  This article explains how it relates to the twin flame embodiment in 5d.

Vera Ingeborg: Twin Flames – Embodying the Energetic Dance | The Wake Up Experience

by ForeverUnlimited

The embodiment/physical reunion as a pair is only possible when the individuals have reached full alignment and balance within of masculine and feminine energies and have shifted fully into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension. And that simply has not happened yet, because the energetic environment and template for planet earth was not established and completed until the year of 2017. Even those twin flame couples that have “reunited” are not in full 5D embodied union yet, and are still struggling with the inner balancing and ascension symptoms while permanently balancing with the partner as well. We are now seeing the first more feminine counterparts (not gender based) reaching this inner alignment and balance. Only when this inner balance is reached by the more feminine part, the heart opening process can be kicked off for the more masculine part. That is just how energetic principles work. The feminine goes first. So we will have a “Sex and the City 5D” party for a while, with many feminine “single” counterparts holding space in 5D for the masculine to follow. Again, this does not automatically mean it leads to physical reunion and a romantic partnership. The cool thing is: When we reach that state of inner wholeness, it does not matter anymore. Because by then, we have experienced that we can share magical experiences and connect with others in beautiful ways, too. So what does it mean at this point? It simply means that now the masculine twin flame collective will be pushed into their awakening, inspiring the human collective to follow along with it.
“We will have a “Sex and the City 5D” party for a while, with many feminine “single” counterparts holding space in 5D for the masculine to follow.”
This alignment and shift happens on two levels: The spiritual level (the energy centers above the heart), and the earthly level. (the energy centers below the heart). The heart to heart connection is already established by the twins energetically, as this is where the “split soul/energy field” still is connected. How the twin flame journey plays out for the different individual pairs, is depending on their individual energetic mix and set up. So there is no “one fits all” process.
In order to understand all of this better, we have to take a look into the process of evolution/creation and into the characteristics of the masculine and feminine energies taking into account the different levels (spiritual level and earthly level) and the different energetic bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical).

The Process of Evolution / Creation

In the beginning is chaos. The sea of possibilities we swim in is the spiritual feminine (Shakti, Yin, Life Force). The spiritual feminine – our intuition, does nothing but float in this sea and scan all possibilities being open to all options. She feels intuitively what resonates and what feels good. When we look into the string theory, this is when photons are still wave patterns. That is when synchronicities take place. When alike wave patterns align with alike wave patterns. Yet, nothing happens as long as we just float. Until the masculine energy joins the dance and starts observing and focusing on a possibility. Then the photon becomes a particle. It takes form. The spiritual masculine starts structuring the chaos, to then make a choice, setting an intention. Instead of spraying the energy everywhere, the masculine bundles the energy and creates powerful momentum. This choice can be made based on love or on fear, trust or mistrust. The difference: commitment (detached from a certain outcome) or control (attached to a certain outcome). This choice impacts the whole manfiestation of the individual reality in the embodied form and experience in the material world. This is the whole difference between the fifth and the third dimension, whether we experience abundance, unity and ease, or lack, separation and effort.
Through this choice and intention, we enter the embodiment process. The spiritual masculine’s intention kicks off the earthly embodied flow in form of an emotion to truly feel the creation riping. This is the earthly feminine taking over. The moment an emotion comes in, we are truly dedicated to the experience we chose. Creativity is initiated: The being pregnant with an idea or project. Being patient and trusting that everything comes together in perfect timing. Once the idea or project is ripe and ready to be born, the earthly masculine energy takes over again. Now it is time for action, for physical manifestation. The earthly masculine again bundles energy to make things happen
“It becomes obvious, that we all need to find this inner flow and balance first to become powerful creators and manifestors.”

Looking at this, it becomes obvious that we all need to find this inner flow and balance first to become powerful creators and manifestors. We all have our deficiencies and imbalances energetically that we are learning to balance out in the course of the process. That does not mean that we reach a 50:50 balance, and that is not the intention either. A healthy 60:40 / 40:60 proportion will still leave us with a preference and the ability to still create polarity. (More on this you can find here). The spiritual feminine is the first one to go through this, and as mentioned before, the first one’s of this group are about to complete this process. According to the energetic characteristics and laws, there is no other way than the spiritual feminine going first. A strong intuition is the basis for everything else to come. Only those that are able to see and feel all possibilities can initiate the necessary changes to pave the way for others to follow.
“According to the energetic characteristics and laws, there is no other way than the spiritual feminine going first.”

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Vera Ingeborg: Twin Flames – Embodying the Energetic Dance | The Wake Up Experience

by ForeverUnlimited

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