Saturday, 5 September 2020

Cancelling all debt. Any kind of Debt. Michaela


Here is what came to me a few days after this post

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Inverted 'Strength' major arcana card placed with 'Strength Self love' card. ~~~What spiritual cards are we holding right now? Sacrifice vs strength. Where we have been cut off from grounding our place on the Earth.Michaela

 I am so tired in the build up to this full moon, its like walking in sludge up to my throat. 

I pulled some cards yesterday after receiving a new deck of self love cards and let go cards. 

The reading showed the tarot 'Strength' card but it was inverted. Which I take to mean Strength is Retrograding,  meaning all actions associated with Strength are at present in retrograde in an internal wash and spin cycle and is ruminating waiting to come out like a pheonix from the ashes. So it is working internally in ways that are not evident on the outside.

But then I pulled a 'Strength' card from the Self Love Deck. So this tells me that strength is showing up for me, for us, differently, at the moment it hasn't quite metamorphosed into what it will be come.. and to trust and go with the flow of the process as it brings in a new and as yet unknown 'source of strength' momentum...

So even if it does not explain itself well, it is a newly found function from the newly accessed 'self love spectrum', its like unpacking a bag of  glittery and sparkly aspects that we are not sure of.

So today I give what that Self Love ~ Strength Card might be manifesting as:

And is here in the rambling to this post 'Cancelling all debt'. 

I have been reflecting on the debt of slavery and sacrifice. Also the perception of being in slavery, where our perception of our place in social standing is entwined within the often unseen but fully pervading theme and energies of sacrifice. Where we give our power away, often forcibly, but more often manipulated and tricked. Add to that how relationships and interactions can be mainly unconditional and therefore more about sacrifice and the expectation of sacrifice. Children playing means often one child dominates and the others acquiesce. 

So the problem is the transgression that brings an  energy of debt.

When we have given our energy away, or had it siphoned, or any other combination or variable of energy leaving us and we feel the deficit...then we have a deficit to deal with.

When a 'whole' or closed unit, has given away its power in any circumstance...ranging in spectrum from: a mother sacrificing for her children, which can be seen as a positive a person living with an abuser who forcibly takes your power away, which can be seen as negative and the whole range of less powerful and more powerful exchanges of energy debt IN BETWEEN, such as everytime:

a person has left you feeling bad

a situation has brought you despair 

an event has disabled you

a bad boss, a negligent professional, a wicked parent, a dispicable tyrant, a tax hike, loosing a job, loosing a child, a mean word against you, a criticism, a truth revealed...all can act to plunge you into despair. All leave a hole in the 'whole' of you and so you could say a deficit in your energy or power has occurred. Multiply that by many in one lifetime, multiply that many lifetimes and there becomes a pattern where we expect and percieve the deficit of our power. The pattern becomes the perception of the world and our 'wholeness' is full of holes. 

Leaving Karmic imbalance aside for the moment, we can feel this deficit in situations where we might not have thanked or appreciated like:

A mother who feels she has given everything, her best years and strength to bringing up her children.

Someone who feels they have given everything, the best years of their life to looking after elderly, sick parents or family members 

Someone who has worked many years of their life for little reward

and so on.

So we cannot change these having happened, but we can work to change our perception, by changing the thought processes. In these exchanges we can reinstall a tolerance, and acceptance, a forgiveness an understanding that power is something we do giveaway...but that we understand it is how this done, what intention was the motivation for it to have Generosity, or in subservience, or whatever...and Karma may be prodding us to balance out a repeating energy pattern.

The thing is we can say..IS "It was what it was at that time and now I am filled with holes where my power was and is no more." which brings more repeating energy imbalance. Or we can say..."Power is NOT a closed system. It is an energy that is ceaseless and like life, it keeps generating SO THAT WE DRAW from that open system... and pull out what we need. We never need to feel a deficit". 

The previous power deficits that can be seen as DEBTS to us CAN BE CANCELLED. By having a debt hole filled by cancelling it, is like healing a wound that weakens us.

We do this by transaction with ourselves and we act to close that deficit door. They can be cancelled by intention, one by one, or in fell swoop. The debt cancelled is like saying....

 "I have been waiting for this person to repay the money they owe me for years...but i have been waiting with this deficit for years..I was poor (in spirit) and now I choose to close that deficit door, and cut the energy bond with that person place or event. With generosity in my heart, for myself...and for any 'energy being or situation' I have been bonded to, which has only prolonged the debt in which I felt wronged, 

or not rewarded,  

or ignored

or not seen for my true being

or belittled 

or dis-empowered 

I now take back the energy drained by myself, from myself, (the psychoemotional energy required to keep that emotional and mental debt, protected and kicking about inside) and reclaim ENERGY FOR MYSELF by cancelling the debt.

I now choose to 'open' to the OPEN system of power and energy of which I am a part, of which my 'aliveness' enables to be part of. Through generosity for myself, and for the person, place or thing...

~~~ I release this debt bondage, ~~~in forgiveness of self (and the other)....and automatically seal with self love STRENGTH the holes that I allowed this debt to bury in me. 

And so it is".


When we can cancel this Energy debt, we seal the wound, and stop repeating the MANIPULATED self sabotage and cultural sabotage that we were 'bonded' into. Eventually we get to have a perception of life that is different and opens up empowered interactions and relationships with SELF, with others and with LIFE.

And if countries did this debt cancelling, it would immediately free up even the so called wealthier countries from the generating negative grabbing greed energy that comes with a perceived 'feeling of being impoverished' by a debt. 

It is all intention. If done in generosity, then there is no 'lack' associated with giving anything away.

Just Sayin'. Michaela. 

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