Saturday, 5 September 2020

Wonky gait: We are Falling down and making Mistakes, as we wake up to maturity and mastery.

 If an off planet observer was watching the happenings on this organic and life filled blue and white jewel suspended in a life sustaining centre piece with its Moon Pearl and energy radiating Sun, the trio set in the middle of a huge entanglement of inorganic planets and space debris noislessly clunking in orbits through time, what would be the evidence shown to that observer.

Milky way galaxy with Earth & planets superimposed - Stock Image -  R800/0097 - Science Photo LibraryCould your Biofield Need Some Tuning? - Technologies of the Self

Within the blue and white jewel, held in a sea of tranquility at the middle of a vast spagetti junction highway of inorganic planets is a bud of human consciousness in its unfurling stage. The enzymes and hormones required are many for such an organic unfurling, say for a leaf, or the growing pains as the bones of a child lengthen and the face widens.  In slow motion a child grows through the minute by minute stages and into the immature clunky adult that is still not used to its new gait and has to sleep a lot to allow the many changes in the body driven and catalysed by myriad enzymes and hormones. They Sleep alot, while the disturbed brain literally punches itself out into adult size. The immature adult is crazy and argumentative, sullen and withdrawn, all stages of falling down,  and fighting the changes within the psyche and the body, that demand maturity, for time has come.  Everything is wonky in the 'world of growth spurts' because not everything grows at the same time...for sure, feet grow at different rates di and long bones in legs grow at slightly different rates, and until till they all catch up in symmetry, there is a wonky gait, and plenty of clumsiness of falling down.

The observer would see plenty of mistakes and blunders, eye watering scenes and excruciating incidents of self harm as the human 'child to adult' metamorphosis takes place through thrashings of growing pains within  the quietness of the blue and white cocoon. If we see the collective humanity as a a single growing unified body, where we are each a cell of specified purpose within that growing body, we see too that as with all life forms, there is the help and hindrance of the bacteria and virus biofield, and the internal and external parasites, and the tendency of some cells to take over and form cancerous tumors within the body. We see too that incorporated into that corporeal body is the energetic consciousness that is growing too. It is this time that the two mingled aspects of life have come to the natural stage that demands exponential growth into maturity. This does not come without pain, There is always contraction before expansion. 

Some believe that we will split into and divide into groups of those who wish to stay as they are, small and childlike wanting a big brother to organise life for them, and those who are ready to springboard into evolutionary consciousness. All cells die eventually, a human body renews it cells every 7 years,  this is the absorption of cells into the metabolism by systems of excretion. But the 'purpose'  of the cell's specificity is retained in each new cell where the DNA instruction is passed from the cell to the replacing cell through a process of cell reproduction. And at intervals the DNA is tweaked to align with environmental factors such as stress and weather changes, serving needs to keep the cell information going and updated with Life processes....this is all in alignment with the 'consciousness energy factors etheric and supernatural biosystems that link it with its divine purpose. It is this divine purpose that we, as the cells are not thinking about, just as cells do not think with 'mind' about it, they just respond in symbiosis with it. 

The ego is what makes us panic because it, the ego, does not 'know' the secret of its life. 

 It has come too far separated from knowing its alignment with the sacred essence of consciousness. But that is of no matter because the symbiosis continues whether we 'know' about it or not. 

The ego is a construct still under construction and in its immaturity it 'Bulls' its way through life, scared and passionate, untamed and fearful. It is an interface between the deep subconscious life and the sensory perceptions that are projected onto our screens of reasoning...A protective barrier, a learning barrier that once we have learned all the mistakes we make, and can self correct with grace and dignity than that screen is no longer needed and will be evolutionary updated as with everything else. 

We cannot know everything, until we are aligned with the true consciousness that we are part of and in a true 'knowing' symbiosis with. 

Th indigenous peoples were,  and to a large extent remain in 'knowing' of 'GROWING' with this conscious symbiosis of life on earth. It is a spiraling of consciousness.

But throughout history (the recorded library that has 'explained' our passage up till now) we have been  left with gaps and consequences. The hidden negative and inorganic parasites who have reacted through swathes of time, during our infancy, to take this spiraling of consciousness and feed off the energy for themselves, and so acting to syphon away from us, the true organic energy of the symbiosis between us, our biosystem, the planetary consciousness and all that is SACRED therein. 

Where some cells in the body are attacked, the whole body is compromised, and weakened.

As in cancer, a human body then has to direct its life source to try to send healing to recoup that part of the body. The whole body compensates by bending to accommodate the weight and disabling power of the cancer. This is when we, all cells of the body, have to realign with the natural order of Alignment with consciousness energy, Oneness and unity for all cells,  and so instigate and initiate the sacred evolutionary intercession of healed and opened DNA movement  to manifest in ALL CELLS. 

This is one way of looking at it. Just sayin'.

Michaela '


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