Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Glastonbury Tor. Autumn Equinox September 22 2020. Mist seen over Glastonbury Tor in Somerset ahead of the autumnal equinox which will see the end of Britain’s Indian summer.


Mist seen over Glastonbury Tor in Somerset ahead of the autumnal equinox which will see the end of Britain's Indian summer

This landscape was full of energy over this equinox.  The land has a relationship with the people in much the same way as depicted by Arthurian myth and legend. It is timeless. Whatever the interventions superimposed on this or over any land site, that are manipulated or instructed to cause dis-ease, disease or disharmony in the people, by hi jacking and introducing negative flow into the portal... the polar/duality quality of BOTH will be present, that is... BOTH the energy of the 'original intention' of the Golden Grid, the 'mother energy' combined with 'source energy' radiating consciousness...AND  the later 'introduced' dark intentions and secrets of the dark overlay are present together. When our own energy systems have been infiltrated with fear and those programmes that 'run' fear, we will tend to be in alignment with the dark overlay intention. However as BOTH are present, layered but not enmeshed~~  So when you so choose, Sovereignty and freedom from the dark overlay, and CLEARLY set your intention to align with the Golden Grid (the mother and the source energy radiating through nature and the land itself) ....there she is, waiting for you to finally see her. Like seeing your friend in the crowd. She is there, has been there, all along, through the mists of time she is there, in all her glory, gifting her 'nature' of consciousness energy to fill and enLIVEn your own cup, and collective consciousness cup. These are the dimensional layers of the 'consciousness CUP' that make up the grail. 

 This is our true relationship, with nature, with the natural cycles and with the land...Cut from this we are all refugees wherever we happen to be. When we realise that having been parted from it through fear and manipulation, we have been cleaved from our true identity, and Nature is being sold back to us in pictures and holiday snaps, and is depicted in designs, pictures, paintings and interiors. 

 Nature...As with food, (which has become the biggest example of being downgraded to being PRESENTED AS a derivative and processed version of its original substance) has become for its people, a presentation of a watered down derivative.... of what it once meant for us. 

We have forgotten the glory of the land and our relationship with it's many landscapes, because it has been FOUGHT and BOUGHT,  PARCELED AND OWNED,  BY THE FEW from the many, who are discouraged from any practices tied into this symbiotic relationship with the land, and this has been the betrayal that has transformed us ALL into refugees from the land, and from Nature.

 The natural 'energetic' relationship is many layered.. between us and the land, and food... the delight and exhilaration... and so the raw, organic and continuous 'consciousness energy' exchange, remains parceled up in processed packages, until we are brave enough to seek out the truth. 


Glastonbury Tor is said to the Heart Chakra of Earth. I am not expert on Chakras but I did feel the energy coming from the place. Where we think we know what 'love' is, we probably really don't get to experience the immensity of it and are familiar only with the 'beginner levels' of love. So the energy I experienced was huge, but also very hard to describe, It took over my body and I could not explain in words. I think we are new to love. Beginners don't fully understand the whole range of facets and feelings available, which open up to us once we get to that point. I believe that the infinite energy feeds us this 'love', in this symbiotic relationship, SO when we turn attention to it,  it is there. Much like I found in Glastonbury, but can actually be anywhere,  so let this help our understanding in our search for 'love'. Michaela.

~~~There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered. ~~~

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

a fatal flaw amongst humans - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton, channeler of archangel michael

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are available to all of you in every moment of every day, and so are your guides. So is Source, your oversoul, and your higher self, all the archangels, all the ascended masters, your soul family that exists in other parts of the galaxy and the universe. They are all available to you as well. And then there’s your planet, the other planets in your system, your sun, nature, trees, flowers, and animals. You are surrounded by love. You are surrounded by support.

But many of you look for that love and support in places where it isn’t. You look for it in human beings who never received it themselves, who turned to some sort of addiction at some point in their teens or twenties, and who never got the opportunity to go and see a therapist, or someone who could help them to love themselves. This is a fatal flaw amongst humans. When you look for love and support in those who do not have it to give, you set yourselves up for a disastrous experience.

So we suggest that you don’t ask anyone to be that for you when they are having a hard enough time being it for themselves. Instead, feel for all the love and support that you have all around you in non-human form, fill yourselves up with it, and go out and spread it around.

When you spread love and support around, guess what happens? You find yourself in the company of other people who are spreading love and support around. When you go looking for it in other people, you tend to find other people who are also looking for it. And certainly, most of you have been in a romantic relationship that was like that at some point, and you know exactly what we mean.

You can feel an infinite amount of love flowing through you for a cat, and you can feel that love coming back to you as well. It is unconditional, and there is more where that came from. There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered.

Please do yourselves a favor and stop trying to fix the people in your lives so that they can love you the way that you want to be loved, and instead, ask yourself why you don’t just be the love that you want to receive. Love is free. Love is infinite, and it is fundamentally unconditional, so please don’t hold back.

The world needs you to be that love more today than it is has ever needed you before, and you are the ones who know that what we are saying is true. You are the ones who know that Source doesn’t withhold love from anyone, ever, no matter what they do, and you know that you are there to be like Source.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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