Monday, 14 September 2020

TV Show "The Lone Gunmen" Predicts 9/11 (Six Months Before It Happened)~~~Its all one big web, that has caught humanity in its deception. While we continue with the narrative of being manacled into an all consuming and manipulated world 'work, money, bank, mortgage, dumbed down, school, debt, brain washing entertainment' we are being distracted from whats truly happening.

Long Story Short.
While we may never know the true nature, or identities of the cults or organisations responsible, there may be many. They may be hidden and secret, evil, clever, or they may be in our faces politicians and celebrities like Epstein and the latest ilk that have been 'brought to our attention' ...and so hiding those deeper, and higher up.  So that they remain hidden.
But one thing is clear, there is, and has been for centuries, a definite leeching off of humanity's life blood. There are several groups and sub groups. And many researchers have been doing the investigatory work.... to the point where we have SOOO MANY to choose from. 
But finding who is at the top of food chain? Well those identities originate so far back in history, that should we choose to look, we only see the resultant wars, slavery, plagues and famines, genocide, where the many SHOUT OUT's from recorded history only gives gives us a loud and deafening distortion of the truth. By giving the truth written in a way that condones and allows a compliance to it by implying this is what humanity did...'it is something that happened', which cannot be changed, implies the failure of humanity...IT IS THIS 'implication' that is the distortion.... because at the centre, at the ROOT of EVIL lies the groups/cults which snared and trapped humanity into its ever widening cascades of depravity. We all know that controllers of The writers of history are the ones who 'won the battles and wars'...but they are also the ones who created war in the first place, and continued to 'WRITE OFF the importance of independence of  generations of indigenous peoples~~~Where Indigenous means the population that are natural to any one place and therefore are at ONE with life in that place. War Writes that out to create many displaced humans that are then easily manipulated into servitude and absorption into the created industries formulated not for the benefit of the cultivated society, but to be the task master, and the distraction from individual sovereignty.  'This' is what feeds down the pyramid of control into all our current establishments and institutions or organisations, our schools, medical care, industrialisation and building of cities. It is whitewashing, it is ethnic cleansing, it is removal of  real and authentic 'identity' by bashing it to death....and then replacing it with a dumbed down slave drone, the agenda of mass manipulation which presents openly today.

Analysis of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

“In order to give the goyim no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. This, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the goyim, we must put the industry on a speculative basis: the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.”  

Cutting Through the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

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