Thursday, 7 January 2021

Chaos in Washington as Trump supporters storm Capitol and force lockdown...(When MSM and the 'powers that wish to remain' declare and condemn a protest against Fraud and Corruption as a roaring 'trump supporters siege' by claiming there was No Fraud, everything was 'legitimate and legal' and the convoluted politics of the USA stands as a monument to the democracy of the people....BUT the people obviously don't think so...I think that there is much more involved than meets the eye. No fraud? No cover up? Then why the explosive push back by both normal citizens protesting, and activists. As with all protests, activists are infiltrated by organised 'firms' with intentions to destroy and defame the protest!!! We all know this. Was the protest anticipated by the 'powers that wish to remain' who wanted to light the touch paper, to turn to 'flames', any further protest against fraud...We all know this is a usual tactic..... Is this all an organic development in light of the times, and the event, and the situation, or is it an organic situation, twisted and manipulated by dark groups, pirates to politics, with the intention to END all types of protests...Are 'the powers that wish to remain' wishing to poison protests, to fuel activists purely to bring chaos to ensure martial law later down the line...OR was this totally unexpected by ALL? Or is this the outward signs of the beginning of the END of the miasma, actions that have wider reaching effects through out the world...Michaela.)

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