Wednesday, 6 January 2021

who turned the lights on...(lights on in the dark)

 a brief note here. Last night in my sleep, some big lights came on. I could see this light through my shut eyes. It woke me up and I thought who turned the lights on, I could see through my eyelids the room...

...when I opened my eyes, the lights were not on in the room, but it seemed like light was coming in through the window. But it was late, no street lamps were on and I don't wake up for any passing cars. 

I turned back into my pillow to sleep. It isn't mind blowing but it is letting me know

 there is a big 'lightening up'  coming..happening, 

or both,

 in an equal and opposite force, to oppose or balance out the illusion we 'see.'

 It is turning lights on in the dark. And it is turning things from the upside-down/inside-out we have lived through...where day is night and night is day. 


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