Friday, 15 January 2021

Michael Moore: The Terrorist Attack Is NOT Over. | Rumble with Michael Moore podcast | EP. 153... So many accounts say "How bizarre it seemed that how few police were around knowing.. it was going to be such a huge protest day. But still they trusted the Capitol Police were going to be around to police this protest day". He is still shocked as he believes that this was a terror attack , and an inside job by the Republicans. He CANNOT not see it as a staged coup, a false flag, one manipulated to hijack the 'Protest Against Election Fraud' and support for the president. This guy sees it as a terror attack by the supporters of the president to STOP the vote count for the inauguration of the new president. That the police helped the mob, is confusing, so what was this coup actually doing? Who or what actually put this show on. He is confused that there was no police or helicopters there at this demonstration, but whatever it was, there will be no explanation as BOTH sides were using this coup. The first side decided to use it, to confound the protest and to defame and obliterate the current president president. The second side, who support the president and who ever they may be, used it to show the outrage of thousands in protests against the 'election fraud' that the first side committed. The first side was using tactics committed to hide their 'deception of election fraud' deep within the wake of a 'terror attack' that they enabled and manipulated. ~~ So many other things were occurring in these hours, No sign of COVID anywhere! Evidence was got in the forms of laptop information, as this hiding behind the wake of a terror coup has backfired. Oh and Covid? Well it seems that covid was not present that day. Which is proof that covid and it's facewear, is only dragged out as a stick to beat the people, when there is something to accomplish by using it. Listen to this guy if it resonates and for me to give an opposing view to the one I see. The view presented here is that the president is to blame and impeachment is demanded...I post this only to show how deeply divided 'Normal' people are in this manipulation, and how fearful people are.

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