Monday, 12 April 2021

4.7.2021 Patriot Streetfighter 6 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaitors by ForeverUnlimited. More on Exposure. How much exposure do we need before IT IS SEEN for what IT IS.

 Some background re the Mentioned  Khazarian and Sabbatean.,around%20the%20northern%20and%20central

More to explore. To Understand the influence of Sabbateans  this Jewish lady explains what they are..and links in Those temples on Epstein islands. And she links the royal family.   She explains thoughtfully and clearly the outrage of what is happening.

In order to cover their own identity, Israel's arch enemies, the Jews who couldn't hack the moral rigors of true Judaism and sought to create a dark mirror image of Judaism, the Sabbateans, have spread the lie that Ashkenazis are not Jewish and have spread disinformation about "the Khazars". Barry Chamish, of blessed memory, was right about the Sabbateans. It cost him his life. Please see the threads on my FB page from July 22, 2019. There are a few of them that relate to this article. See the screen shots too. This is my FB profile: Collins v. Schusterman et al The Mega Group is named in Amazing Polly's video "Epstein Stories You Won't Find in the News" at 21:09 Also see her excellent report: "Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists"

4.7.2021 Patriot Streetfighter 6 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaitors

by ForeverUnlimited

Even for we "who thought" we knew a lot, WOW! πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ✨πŸŒ€πŸ€Ί

4.7.2021 Patriot Streetfighter 6 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaitors

Larry explains the origins of myriad factions of the Illuminati Cabal + how our history is a Deep State lie, the historic origins of Q, who created the KKK, who the Secret Societies are, how it all ties into the Rothschild criminal International Central Banking Cabal., Unum Sanctum and the Vatican, true meaning of Birth Certificates, what really happened to Dr. Dre, Koby Bryant and Tiger Woods...and why! Jeffrey Morgan Steibbel, HRC, Jeffrey Epstein, the Aurora Colorado shootings/Astra Zeneca Vaccines/Super Soldiers, Open Source Society, the Sherriff, Also, how it ties into the founders of BLM: Boule Secret Society + Margaret Sanger, Dorothy Taylor/Valerie Jarrett, the Harlem Pastor Alliance, NAACP, Nick Cannon, Germany, Dominion Servers, the connection between the Georgia Guidestones, Eugenics + T-Mobile, Baphomet, Fallen Angels, Schwabb, the plan to exterminate most of humanity and reset DNA theough deception to rebuild a new race, new "COVID mutant varient", Heterol-Paternal SuperFecundation, Nephylum, Babylonian, Neyeneyaphlym,

dead tissue of aborted human fetuses, negative thinking and brain disease, controlling emotional states through technology.--AND SO MUCH MORE!

~ removed from YouTube - now on Rumble

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Pabriet Streetfighter zoom 4.7.21 Patriot Streetfighter 6 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaiters 8,969 watching now 1.6K 11 Live chat Share Re Patriot Streetfight... 34.5K subscribers SUBSCRIBED'

4.7.21 POWERFUL Interview with Bishop Larry Gaiters, Global Declaration Of War: PARABELLUM


ForeverUnlimited | April 9, 2021 at 2:05 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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