Saturday, 3 April 2021

CENSUS 2021. YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Hmm... the timing for this "Required by law- Census data collection" is really wierding me out.

 I dont know if the rest of the world is having this but the UK  is having another Census from the OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS in which we are expected to fill in all the required details of the people living in each and every residence at least in England.

During this time we have had a death in the family, and a birth, and due to many reasons I have not done my legal duty to fill in the details of each member living in my home on the due date of 21st March 2021 (a special time btw, for Equinox energies). That it is happening NOW, with the supposedly heavy death rates due to covid, and the not so well known deaths after the vx, and the extent of personal data they require,  worries me.  I have received a renewed access code in the post every day insisting to comply. What is next, the police knocking on my door, or armed forces dragging me away to some security area for being an enemy of the state. Am I crazy? We will see. 

 It doesn't take much to make me Hmm.

Hmm meaning

 həm: conventionalized pronun.
Hmm is defined as a sound you make to express hesitation or when you are thinking about something or don't know exactly what to say.

An example of hmm is what you say when someone asks you a tough question and you pause for a second before answering.

Census 2021. This is a tough one and I have hesitated in my response.

I have seen census information regarding my grandparents in Ireland in 1901, and also another approx 20 years later. I wonder now if it was related to people dying or leaving the country,  due to events in the civil war which culminated at a pivot point in 1916, many emigrated at that time due to poverty and restrictions,  to escape 'British Rule' while many were killed....So I know what a cencus is. But the whole 'census concept' of forced participation is not sitting well with me, considering the power of data  information and the ongoing, and unfolding of the development of so called 'civilised society' set within an 'agenda' that the global governments, all seem to collude with and comply. Michaela. 

Help with the census

If you don’t have an access code

You can request a new access code to start a new census if you have lost or not received an access code.

If you want to fill out a paper census

You can request a paper census questionnaire to be sent in the post.

Continuation questionnaire

If you already have a household paper questionnaire and there are more than 5 people in your household, you will need to request a continuation questionnaire.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Census 2021

Circumstances may have changed during the coronavirus pandemic. Answer all questions based on the situation as it is now.

This was a long pain in the neck many many pages about my home and my details including religion and employment status before repeating it all for every member of the house:  


In this section, we are going to ask you questions about Person 2.

You will need to know personal details such as

  • date of birth
  • country of birth
  • second or holiday homes
  • main language
  • general health
  • unpaid care provided
  • qualifications
  • employment details

About the census

The census is a survey about all the households in England and Wales. Census Day was Sunday 21 March.

Why you should take part

Everyone must complete the census and provide accurate information. It helps decide how services are funded in your area.

Your data and security

What we do with your personal information, how we keep it safe, and how we will contact or visit you.

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