Friday, 9 April 2021

Part 3. "Now, here’s the last terrifying bit of information. If you guys can’t put it together after this, I really can’t help you. The global medicines regulators, MHRA, European Medicines Agency, the FDA, they got their heads together about a month ago and they put out a statement that said, ‘The top-up vaccines, being so similar to the originals, they don’t require the producers to do clinical safety studies.’ So there’s a conspiracy here, because I know, and I’ve spoken to at least six other immunologists who agree, that the variation, the variants are nowhere near different enough from the original virus to possibly need a different vaccine. And yet you’re told that they’re needed and the country shut its borders because of them. The pharma companies are manufacturing top-up vaccines that you don’t need. So that means people in the company know they’re not needed and they’re making something. And finally, the medicines agencies of the world have said, ‘Go ahead, be my guest.’ So they’re going to go from the whiteboard or computer screen of a drug company into hundreds of millions of arms without passing Go, or any regulator. So just in brief, why would they possibly want to do that? You asked the question earlier, James, about why did they pick this method of making a vaccine when they could have just used a piece of the dead pathogen? Well, one, they’d need some dead pathogen, maybe that would take a lot of time. But the other reason for using gene-based vaccines is you can put whatever gene you like in. If you wanted to, I don’t know, theoretically, you could give someone . . . you could get someone to express a gene that would have some benefit to them possibly. You certainly could give them a gene that would do them some harm, if you wanted. That harm might be short term, it might be long term. It might be conditional on other factors with which that extra gene would . . . would interact. So . . . but here’s my . . . I can’t think of a benign . . . I cannot think of a benign explanation for the claim that you need top-up vaccines, which I’m sure you don’t, for the manufacture by the drug companies of these things that aren’t needed and for the regulators just to get out of the way and wave them through. I will point out, actually, just quickly for evidence, that to say that they’re so similar to the original vaccines that we don’t need to do safety trials is really to insult your listeners, because right now the medicines agencies are wrestling with how safe or not are the parent vaccines. So don’t let them just waive top-up vaccines, but they’re not needed anyway. So there’s not a benign explanation for the claim they’re needed, their manufacture, and they’re going right past the medicines regulators without being examined. But if you wanted – and I’ve heard of this – if you wanted, say, to depopulate a significant proportion of the world and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something like that and you wanted plausible deniability whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis, I actually don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than it seems to be in front of me. And I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do. But I can’t think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it. So I won’t be able to sleep properly until someone comes up with a benign explanation or takes me away, I guess. But I’m not stopping, because there is nothing for me in this world or my children and grandchildren while this stuff is going on. So I don’t care at all what the risks are for me. I’m not going to stop until I can tell this to as many people as possible. And I will pause now, James, you may want to ask some questions.

 Lets read that last part through again:

So there’s not a benign explanation for the claim they’re needed, their manufacture, and they’re going right past the medicines regulators without being examined. But if you wanted – and I’ve heard of this – if you wanted, say, to depopulate a significant proportion of the world and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something like that and you wanted plausible deniability whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis, I actually don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than it seems to be in front of me. And I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do. But I can’t think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it. So I won’t be able to sleep properly until someone comes up with a benign explanation or takes me away, I guess. But I’m not stopping, because there is nothing for me in this world or my children and grandchildren while this stuff is going on. So I don’t care at all what the risks are for me. I’m not going to stop until I can tell this to as many people as possible. And I will pause now, James, you may want to ask some questions.

Part 3.

hear the full interview


This website is updated daily.  Our government have lied, of course, we are not 65% vaccinated.  According to this, UK is 38.6% partially vx’d and 7.7% fully vx’d — 46% general compliance as of today.

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