Wednesday, 28 April 2021

" As Pluto stations this week, weaving its energies into the already-impactful Full Moon, we become aware of where and how we give our power away. In this revelatory light, we see how we have held ourselves back and are empowered to strive for a higher destiny." NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies April 26 to May 2, 2021 By Pam Younghans 

symbolic death and rebirth

PLUTO is also on the list of important influencers this week. The dwarf planet will station retrograde on Tuesday, April 27, at 1:01 p.m. PDT, less than 24 hours after the Full Moon perfects. It is also worthwhile to note that Pluto is known as the "ruler" of Scorpio, so its status during a Scorpio Full Moon has added impact.

When a planet comes to its "station" and appears to be standing still (from our perspective on Earth), its impact is heightened. My favorite analogy for this effect is that of standing on a platform in a station, feeling the vibration of an incoming train grow stronger and stronger until it is standing right in front of us, idling loudly. Like the train, as a planet holds its position before reversing direction and heading back in the direction from whence it came, we feel its vibration very powerfully. 
Pluto is known as the Great Transformer, often taking us through a symbolic death and rebirth. I also think of it as the "Psychotherapist Planet," because it can illuminate what has been hidden (unconscious) so that its influence can be transmuted and we can reclaim our power in some way. As Pluto stations this week, weaving its energies into the already-impactful Full Moon, we become aware of where and how we give our power away. In this revelatory light, we see how we have held ourselves back and are empowered to strive for a higher destiny.    

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