Thursday, 1 April 2021

Fear Guilt and Shame. It's funny, I woke up with thoughts about Guilt, for no reason, other than 'Guilt' being the feeling on todays menu board. Without even knowing what we are guilty about, there is like a generation of lifetimes of collective 'wrongful doing', from small to large to heinous. (It maybe doesn't feel like its me, maybe we think it it is them.... but actually it is US) And this smorgasbord of invisible secret energy loads are the secret 'issues' burdening the collective energy psyche. When a wrong doing is done, the energy packet from that thought, word or action, or non action... is 'real' and hangs around in the head and heart space, and in the astral air of the collective like a visceral entity, getting bigger as more similar entities join it. These are the grey clouds that loom over the health and well being of a society, whether it is acknowledged or not. Guilt is secret and therefore remains secret and so it becomes a life burden for individuals before it seeps out into the water table of the collective energy. I am Feeling that 'Guilt Infused living' is producing a 'karma-like' reaction where we have need to balance this by admitting all wrongdoing in forgiveness, and non judgment, to neutralise with compassion, the energy hanging over us. It is like we are living with a ticking time bomb, that has become like a deathwish of foreboding grey watercolours painted over our skies that blot out the sun....It may be that Perpetrators have manipulated and instilled perceptions of life that made us act in ways of fear, guilt and shame, by living in ways that are out of being within the natural laws, that piece by piece build up a jigsaw puzzle of pollution, landfill, hatred, corruption, bullying, addictions, etc. Which means we have them to thank, but always us to blame. More Guilt...more shame.....which only becomes neutralised when we accept our part, our own accountability....and responsibility. There is also guilt imposed on us by an OTHER. For example a deep Catholic (or Jewish?) upbringing means that children are brought up with GUILT written on their dunces Cap, from a very young age. Having Fear guilt and shame sharing your head and heart space means you have a toxic load. There is also the TRUTH of heinous guilt of heinous crimes, war, genocides and slavery, that ravage the spirituality of the land which pours the energy of anger/rage/despair entwined with the energy of GUILT( as in "the question of GUILT arising from the wrongdoing flaming in hearts and minds")... out onto the earth sending more sadness and despair into the water table of the collective energy... To find ways and means to way transform and transmute guilt...first you have shine a light internally and look and see where these secrets are buried. If not obvious, it might be easier to set the intention to notice any small lower level freqency hiding within and 'ASK' to receive higher insights in how to manage and love them better. ..It is also true to say that our sense of guilt comes from a perception of right and wrong, good and bad...and sometimes that guilt is not totally appropriate and so we need enlightenment to forgive ourselves for the endless ways in which we can, and do, bully ourselves ....~~~Michaela~~~

 In synchronicity I found this today from Lisa Renee. 

The Science of Right Living includes the basic truths that are found in the ancient wisdom teachings ..............

The growing diseases in the population today are the result of the continual violation of natural laws, and the repeated violations made against the constitution of humankind, at personal and collective consciousness levels that interconnect through cause and effect in the timelines. To find the cause of disharmony and disease in the human body or in the earth body, necessitates finding where the laws of nature have been violated and where there exists conflicts between the spiritual consciousness and the ego personality. Fear, guilt and shame have the most toxic effects upon the body, mind and spirit, and these are at the root of the most common causes in festering diseases.

To find the root cause of disease in a human body, it is necessary to comprehend the existence of the Human Spiritual Anatomy and to determine why the spiritual consciousness and personality are conflicted or fragmented. A high percentage of diseases today are directly caused by the repeated violation of natural laws that generate trauma, through the perpetuation of spiritually abusive behaviors. These include toxic exposures being directly inflicted into the environment, as well as the negativity the person directly inflicts upon themselves. Most congenital diseases are carried over from other stations of identity in relationship to the consequences of actions produced in other timelines, combined with environmental miasma and toxicity. In many cases, if the root cause of the disease is found and removed, if the physical and spiritual body are being considered as one in the same, if the spiritual lesson is understood and personal habits return to harmony with natural laws, rapid healing will follow as the natural result.

In considering the violation of natural laws, let’s look at the ways the NAA intentionally fragment the spiritual body in order to generate a vicious circle of spiritual abuses and physical diseases. 

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