Tuesday, 25 May 2021

For a long time I had seen the implication of Law (or disregard of) in all this... this is a repost from 28th April, calling for new and timely upsweep of Law pre-requisties to STAND WITHIN the structures of 'natural law and Universal Law'. " AFTER we have withstood these DARK DAYS OF BEING RULED BY RULERS that are NOT properly defined. The POWER group that rules from behind the faces of puppet politicians and their health 'experts', who enforce mandatory imprisonment, in homes and behind masks, and 'shut down' All Freedoms to the land...SURELY is the time to implement a 2021 version of the Magna Carter, but this time, a Version that will stand the test of test of time and that is for the people, by the people." ....(And I would add....a version that would hold Liability against the 'ruler's (as defined by those enforcing) or those who work for , or who are in collusion or complicit with them, and knowingly force or coerce situations of deception and abominations AGAINST the Natural Law of LIFE , health and spiritual consciousness, )~~Michaela~~

Wednesday, 28 April 2021 Magna Carter...Its not what you think. The Dark Age of the middle ages in History showed movements to LIMIT the terror of The Ruling Powers of the throne. Revisiting the 'question of limits to political power' ..."What Magna Carta shows, therefore, is that “Who rules?” is one question, and “What, if any, are the limits to political power?” is another...As the continued existence of the US prison camp at Guantรกnamo Bay shows, even among countries that trace their political institutions to Magna Carta, perceived security threats have weakened the requirement that no one be arrested except under the law of the land, and that justice not be delayed. Okay so this is weird, I had a cappuccino this morning, and saw there was enough 'substance' in the bottom of the cup to do a reading. I saw a strange map and 'felt' the words, 'Magna Carter..Its not what you think'. So, having some time, I looked into the Magna Carter to see if it held any message for today. And Then I asked, "What was wrong with the Magna Carter?" ...the answer is seems, Apart from it being dated and written within the understanding of the culture at the time (and so PRESUMING the status of RULER, and those who are ruled and the relationship of master and slave) There is also the innate power (or seed thereof to be something more powerful) behind it, of the ideals that were 'sought and needed' at the time...but as usual with Law and power initiations and land grabbing, there was not too much energy to support its spiritual substance, and over time versions became tweaked with new definitions of rulers and laws down the line. So Why am I seeing this now? Perhaps it was the imprint of the 'thought, and action'.. placed in time, a 3D Dark Ages Version, as good as was achievable in the Dark ages, as a precedent for what is needed Now. AFTER we have withstood these DARK DAYS OF BEING RULED BY RULERS that are NOT properly defined. The POWER group that rules from behind the faces of puppet politicians and their health 'experts', who enforce mandatory imprisonment, in homes and behind masks, and 'shut down' All Freedoms to the land...SURELY is the time to implement a 2021 version of the Magna Carter, but this time, a Version that will stand the test of test of time and that is for the people, by the people. There is more to this waiting to unfold. Michaela.

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