Monday, 17 May 2021

Lisa Renee. "... Another stage of development is the comprehension that King Arthur’s Camelot is an extensive krystal architecture organized and assembled in rainbow round tables for the purpose of providing spiritual education, and to unite angelic human consciousness to perform a variety of tasks to protect the earth’s consciousness field. During the timeline of Atlantian Mystery Schools there were 12 Camelot’s where each of the 12 Tribes held one of the twelve holographic discs containing specific spiritual knowledge about their tribe’s affiliation and its related ascendancy information. The caretaking and ongoing preservation of the historical knowledge of humanities cosmic origins, the ancient wisdom of the Law of One teachings, and the detailed knowledge of the workings of the planetary templar were entrusted to and guarded by each of the tribes. Thus, Camelot as an energy signature has the meaning of a sacred mystery school and healing temple designed for the spiritual exploration of the Law of One, and this project is currently being overseen by the Cosmic Holy Father as he takes form in the Christos archetype of King Arthur. The Great Work to rebuild Camelot on the Earth has begun, which requires reeducating the masses back into the Natural Laws of God that are based in Love. During the bifurcation of time there is a separation of the wheat from the chaff, which can be painful to witness in those we love and care for. There are massive amounts of Christos plasma frequency being directed during this electrical peak, in order to activate the Emerald Crystals across the planetary grid and within as many human hearts as possible. The Emerald within us that flowers into the Emerald heart opens into the oceanic and limitless source of God’s eternal Love which brings the inner experience of Heaven meeting the Earth or stages of achieving hierogamic union. During this time of intense spiritual warfare, we must choose between expressing fear which generates mental bondage and suffering or expressing love which generates inner peace and spiritual freedom. When humans begin to heart awaken and begin to feel this eternal spirit of love flowing within them, the inner Emerald is blossoming." Emerald Crystal Heart and Solar Christ Michael May 2021

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