Wednesday, 19 May 2021

So, two companies, one which had formed quickly and recently, had no PPE history either in manufacture or distribution, GOT THE CONTRACT to do Supply.... And presumably profited in the millions out of it...."Why was a ‘luxe’ firm £9,000 in debt given a £26m PPE contract? Two companies with no experience of PPE awarded £280m in government contracts. Cronyism claims, a questionable VIP lane and the surprising link between two of the big beneficiaries. David Cohen investigates", the Evening Standard 18th May 2021, link below....."Ayanda Capital told the Standard its owners made £17 million net profit from their PPE deal. Luxe Lifestyle declined to divulge its profit but said it was modest and in keeping with their position as an agent"...Let us not be mistaken, there has been HUGE PROFITS involved in the jabs and tests, and everything else associated with this timely and expensive virus....bearing in mind the millions who have lost jobs and income and businesses..., the PROFIT manufactured from this planned and manipulated 'situation' is likened to the CITY skyscrapers towering over the besieged minions on Pavement earth. The 'high ups' doing the dirty on the 'low downs' ...again and again. Politics:.. " do your duty and vote!" ....The answer is: Vote for which corruption? Which is the lesser?....Better still EXPRESS THAT YOU NO LONGER PARTICIPATE WITH THIS ONE SIDED GAME and withhold your 'Voting Power' until WE actually have a system that benefits the human on the street, without either having to CAUSE catastrophes (and WARS) that call for CERTAIN individuals to make a MINT out of it.... Are you wearing your PPE? Are you being TESTED? Have you got your travel papers, have you got your covid jab passport? Are you getting your twice monthly jabs ? All in good time.... and All money and power in someones pocket! But do not be mistaken that the man in the street is being empowered to take back a form of 'normal' life...going to a bar, a restaurant, a church, the synagogue, getting married, HUGGING SOMEONE, arranging a funeral or grabbing a 'must have' holiday abroad, all while the world burns down...No, the man in the street has nothing left that is his power, other than his Vote!!! (This is all an 'aside to the anti-life, death cull'. The bells are tolling the death of ...what was left of 'top down' honesty and civility, social integrity and wisdom. Looking in the paper, and on the streets, people dutifully wearing their labels and branded masks, thinking they are 'so OF THE TIMES' and normalising the Monstrosity of it all.. ~~~I thought I had got over it, but it still makes me want to weep. Michaela~~)

Ayanda Capital told the Standard its owners made £17 million net profit from their PPE deal. Luxe Lifestyle declined to divulge its profit but said it was modest and in keeping with their position as an agent.

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