Monday, 10 May 2021

REorientation, from the old to the new, From the lies to truth. Choice or test, you choose. Email to a friend. " Mon, 10 May at 13:13 Hi, I started to watch and can see that I have seen many of these various speakers as I have been following this from the beginning. In fact I have been following the whole thing as it unfolds for at least 10 years, and I always as a kid, felt something was not right. An ugliness to life that seemed to come from the people. I will watch more of it later but I know all this stuff.... The corruptions, the hidden agenda, the dumbing down, the stupidity and crassness of what passed for civilisation, money, debt and banks, poor people working their lives into the ground for systems that literally broke their backs and their spirits until in most countries there was no spirit left...(look at Ireland, sold its soul to the highest bidder in fear). So more recently I noticed, in around 2015, when Pizzagate started to come out about celebrities and political people (clintons) and the extremely wealthy buying and selling children for sex rituals and codes associated with pizza and ping pong, then I learned it was all about adrenachrome. It came out further a bit later with Epstein. So slowly, bit by bit these things were coming out and the corruption and awful hidden agenda was slowly being revealed. Everything from the tv to tax laws, from education to facebook is social engineering, to make the populations dummies that have their world made up for them. It is so deep and so psychotic that people cannot see the real world anymore as their perceptions have been literally hypnotised by very dark magic, and that dark magic has been on earth for thousands of years, infiltrating every 'Good' thing. Magic that turns good people bad, or just sucks people in using their fears and especially fear of death. The depth of it includes People trafficking, child trafficking , DUMBS where humans are kept like slaves in cages under ground for any number of inhuman practices, Chimeras where genetic experiments have continued since nazi experimentation in WW2. This is all producing a miasma like energy of pollution into the earth, evil pollution that does not let life breathe. EVIL does not just infiltrates creation, and mimics and creates poor versions that have no basis in life. NORMAL is A bit like China producing thousands of copies of things, and then sending them out to the world that is starved of creativity and the people worship the 'tat' because they no longer interface or participate with whats really 'real'. They believe in the illusion of crappery and whats been told them is happening, ususally a distortion away from the world of Christ. People have been brain washed and programmed so that they cannot see the real Creation, and look to the low level production of things to either sustain them or keep them stimulated...That is why this agenda has been so successful because the people have been hypnotised. They have been driven in droves away from Nature and life trusting Spirit, to the towns and cities where they live herded in boxes and blocks and where they have become so scared of nature that they beg the people in power to protect them from nature...(Covid is the Big Nature threat that is being waved, viruses and the spontaneity and the volcanic, volatile and wild nature of Nature, and weather is used being as a weapon to keep people frightened of Nature and so people do not trust God or Nature, So nature and weather became weaponised) . The people in power have used this social engineering to do then what they wanted with these people commodities. Everything in 'recorded history' is telling us about War, Plague, Poverty, Slavery....this is reinforcing 'the evil' (anti Life) Version of life that they want the people to 'experience' continually, and that renders their experience of life as being disempowered and therefore malleable non thinking, scared versions of themselves. Wracking up debt and then become debt slaves....And this is the NoRMAL LIFE, that is the anti-christ twisted reverse life version that was 'created' for us by us. and our fears. Then They sell nature back to us...and we think oh that is lovely,,,but really it is satan mimicking and copying nature. They have tied people's minds and hearts up in shit, and so, Gods People have become lost to their true nature and God and Spirit. And it has taken many years for the plan to be at this point...The people's Sacredness has become their scaredness. The Christ consciousness is enveloping the world right now...but the people have been put to sleep so that they will not access the Christ consciousness and remain dumbed down slaves to Evil. Evil However cannot create, it can only trick, mimic and copy using manipulation, deception and lies...that is why it had to have such a devious millenia long plan, because it NEEDS THE PEOPLE TO KEEP IT ALIVE. IT HAS NO LIFE FORCE OF ITS OWN> It USES the sacredness of Gods people to Create THE LOW NEGATIVE ENERGY VIBRATION IT NEEDS TO SURVIVE. A simple example is like a Bad employer employing a really creative person but purposely keeping them in the basement, not allowing them the access to using their skills and qualities, instead they are cleaning shit, for years, with no way out...the energy of the creative person becomes stifled and depressed and they give off that low frequency vibration in thought and word...which creates 'the energy environment' that evil needs to survive in.... This is why the misery of slavery went on for so long and why it continues today with trafficking. Evil harnesses this energy, and people have become trapped in this arrangement. It has been around a long time, but really only became evident in the dealings of humans during the Egyptian times. But all history is distorted. Evil can only distort, reverse, and mimic creation to a low shadow of its original form, to entrap people to power up its own purpose of its own survival. And that is the version we have of history today. I keep saying there is an equal and opposite force that is a formidable counterforce... It is a formidable force. But it needs to be awakened in peoples heart's, the power of god and creation is in the people. That is why it is taking so long. But also the formidable force Is working and will be working in ways that we cannot see, think, or imagine. Just yet. There are predictions and prophecies that may or may nor confuse but I trully believe that us humans CANNOT fathom The reality of what is trully happening. There is a huge bifurcation and splitting, A shift in consciousness, but maybe the one big big that is happening is that people, individuals learn to split off from the 'illusion of our fears' and see the truth....but maybe not everyone will be able to do this. The TRUE Christ consciousness is so much vaster than the evil corruptor (that lies and decieves telling us that it IS the 'truth'and humans remain stupid and vulnerable and only see the version of where the world will go... according to their lies, which they believe in, and SO the LIE becomes their reality, because they end up creating that as 'truth' for themselves ) and the Christ consciousness will DO and BE and CREATE, as has been arranged For, during this time. Regardless of the lies and deceit that most believe as true. So, Just hold that truth only, and do not give any of your energy, or power to the other, (the evil, manipulated version), as it will sink you into Believing that It is the power. It is the choice... some call it the test." ~~Michaela~~

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