Friday, 28 May 2021

Greetings, Powerful Being! Once again, I'm gonna have to say "Yikes!" because the full moon lunar eclipse, pre-solstice energies are just nuts, in my opinion. It's not only the headaches, the exhaustion, the dizziness . . . It's the shift in perspective! I suddenly have an overwhelming urge, for example, to clean out the closets and organize my home on a whole new level. Not my usual deal! So many now desire to release some old habits, some people, some ideas that they are realizing are not for their higher good. .."You are understandably tired from the ongoing shifts and apparent interruptions to “normal life” that have to do with your Ascension journey, and the dissolution of the old order. Yet for each of you, the greatest change of all is your witnessing all that is not your authentic self letting go and releasing you, as you release it. We cannot emphasize enough that these pressures are taking their toll—all the more apparent in these pre-solstice days, when the powerful energies of the May 26 full moon lunar eclipse are still being felt. It is important to take more time to rest and restore yourselves now, in this time of powerful rebirth and transformation." A Message to Lightworkers – May 27, 2021. by Caroline Oceana Ryan " full story here I am exhausted and drowsy, hurting head (like a sickening hangover that means you cannot move your head let alone anything else)...slightly wanting a change to come over me and not knowing how to activate it or initiate it, becasue I cannot carry this 'old life style suitcase' for much longer asthe road is changing terrain and we need a different style of manouvering through it. MAybe it is the 'second' way of way of opening the third eye, by being in a 'pressure cooker' until it burst the door in.(see the previous post about 'opening the third eye'~~Michaela~~.

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