I came across magnesium as a magic mineral a few years ago and was prompted to get some transdermal magnesium spray earlier this year when I was getting ghost pains down the left side of my back, for no obvious reasons. I think they may be 'bleed through' ghost pains related to a condition I suffered with last summer, in 2017, reminding me it easy to fall back into adrenal burn out.
My adrenaline stress had been at a continuous high level (for several years), when I started getting 'fibromyalgia' like pains tearing through my body and making me very sick. The 'fibromyalgia' symptoms slowly subsided as I was forced to address the issue of stress. It was then that I realised I was living through a severe bout of adrenal burn out, and so I had to analyse my life, and eventually deconstructed my life to be less stressful.
After that summer of 2017, suffering severe stress related symptoms, I started a facebook page where I researched alternatives to being stressed and changing that dynamic. It was about cocooning yourself from outer and inner actions, thoughts and beliefs that cause your mind/body and brain-gut systems to go down a biological response pathway that leaves you sick.
The facebook page was called "Stress club, The first rule of stress club: There are no rules.
During that time, I withdrew from everything (well as many as I could) that was a drain, even socialising, which for many people is a grim determination to be available for any type of social event, regardless of its worth and enhancement. I changed my diet, changed my beliefs, listened to my body and watched as the upcoming PUSH for Christmas, was building in momentum for more and more consumerism and corporate bullshit that hits you every time. By December of that year I had used this page as a journal and record, 'curating' the information I knew about stress and the body and decided I had shared enough with anyone who was interested, and withdrew totally from facebook.
Today I treat my ghost back pains with a transdermal magnesium spray and it seems to shift them quickly.
What we need to know about Adrenal burn out can be read at this link, and the full article is well worth understanding.
Fatigue versus adrenal burnout. Adrenal burnout syndrome differs from simple fatigue in that burnout is not relieved by getting a few good nights sleep, as is the case with fatigue.
This is the case because adrenal exhaustion is not just a sleep deficit, although that may be an aspect of the syndrome. Burnout is a deeper derangement of the body’s energy-producing system, of which fatigue is one symptom.
This is the case because adrenal exhaustion is not just a sleep deficit, although that may be an aspect of the syndrome. Burnout is a deeper derangement of the body’s energy-producing system, of which fatigue is one symptom.
Cortisol reversal. Some doctors also diagnose an interesting adrenal problem called cortisolreversal. In this situation, cortisol levels are low in the morning when they should be higher. Then, later in the day, they increase and are too high in the evening and at night. We consider this to be anautonomic nervous system imbalance that may be related to a phenomenon called sympathetic dominance.
These are some of the major terms used today to describe adrenal problems. However, If one uses nutritional balancing science for correction, it is not necessary to test for and distinguish among these conditions, in my experience. The reason is that a properly designed nutritional balancing program will correct all of them. For this reason, in this article the words adrenal insufficiency, adrenal fatigue, adrenal weakness or adrenal burnout syndrome may be used interchangeably.
In March of this year I reblogged some video posts on the vagus nerve and the sympathatic and parasympathetic pathways.
- Episode 146 - How to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve wit...
- Healing the Gut by HEALING the "Vagus Nerve"
- Ellie Drake shows you how to stimulate your Vagus ...
- Deepak Chopra - How to stimulate the Vagus Nerve T...
- How to Heal the "Vagus Nerve" to Heal Your Mind & ...
Other people are changing to balance this in their lives.
Three years ago when my health started to decline, I experienced symptoms of fatigue, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog and lack of energy. It was then that I was first introduced to the term adrenal fatigue. Stress was causing my adrenals to be overloaded and fatigue which was slowing my digestion, increasing the release of stress hormones, and keeping my body in a “fight” response, never allowing my body to rest or relax. I was supplementing my fatigue with endless amounts of coffee and stimulants, but still couldn’t stay awake or focused throughout the day. As part of my holistic journey to treat my symptoms and help my body heal itself naturally, I was introduced to magnesium as an important component to adrenal fatigue recovery.
Magnesium is a vital nutrient needed for optimal body function and is needed to create energy within the body as well as calm the mind and help balance hormones. Although I was experiencing chronic fatigue as part of my adrenal fatigue, I was also constantly in a state of stress; I couldn’t quiet my mind long enough to actually feel tired or relaxed and I was constantly anxious, even if I was just sitting on my couch watching television. It was these symptoms that led me to start taking magnesium supplements, specifically Natural Vitality Natural Calm. In order for my body to find balance and work efficiently, I needed to de-stress, rest, relax and increase my magnesium levels so that my adrenals could properly function.
Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue
ISBN: 978-0956034465
Published by Starflower Press
Published Jun 2011
70 pages
£7.00 |
Written by Veronika Sophia Robinson
Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned. Sometimes, we can get knocked sideways. This happened to me, and Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue is my holistic journey to healing my adrenals after they crashed. I wrote it because the mainstream advice was ridiculously limiting on many levels and I didn’t want other people to believe there was only one path to healing.
Order Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal
More on Magnesium to help treat adrenal burnout and other conditions.
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