The tea leaves in my cup this morning showed the big dipper constellation. The biggest was shown to be Alioth, which is in line with what is reported about the Big Dipper, but the star Alkaid was missing from my cup.
So what does this mean? I looked to a few places for pointers. Usually, becomes clear in time.
Since antiquity, we've been using the stars just to get a general sense of direction. One precise navigational facet uses a star called Polaris (or the North Star) which is directly over the North Pole of Earth. Find that, and you can see where exactly North is. The only problem with Polaris is that it's not a notably bright star - so any help that a constellation can give in locating it is pretty welcome for us. This is where the Big Dipper comes in. As you can see on the diagram, you can find Polaris just by drawing a line between the first two stars of the cup and continuing up with it. That line takes you right to the North Star. Polaris also serves as the last star in the handle of the Little Dipper. With the way they're situated, one of the Dippers can always be seen pouring into the other.
The Big Dipper also factors in finding another star. Arcturus, the 4th brightest in the sky, is an example of an ancient giant star, possessing a beautiful orange color that shows well in binoculars. By drawing a line connecting the stars (forming an arc) in the Dipper's handle, you can then "…follow the arc to Arcturus…" as a common saying in astronomy goes. Astronomers have a weakness for corny sayings like that, be warned. Arcturus is relatively close to us, only about 37 light-years away. Put it in place of the Sun in our solar system and its atmosphere's outer limit would extend about 25 times farther out than the Sun's.
Follow the arc to Arcturus
This constellation is intimately related to the Vibrational Frequencies of the Number Seven. In Ageless Wisdom tradition, it is said that that there are seven “Luminous Emanations,” which are the Rays of Creation (involution) and the same seven Rays of re-integration (evolution). Each Ray has been guarded by One Deva, a tutelary angel or a “Sage.”
The seven Luminous Vibrations correspond to the Seven Sounds, also interconnected with the process of Creation.
The Original and unique Vibration multiplied (replicated) itself and differentiated itself in different Rays, levels, and forms. The Gnostics considered and used the seven Greek vowels to designate “Magic Healing sounds” and assign them to musical notes. Each musical note corresponds not only to one Number, but also one of the Astrological Influence.
The Seven Vibrational Planes of Creation exist simultaneously, and they can be regarded as equal and successive emanations, organized into a hierarchy of the same Uncreated Source, or All That Is. Tradition also talks about the existence of the Seven Heavens, which is, in mundane language, can be translated as a Place of “plenitude” where a Soul can be closer to the Source and experience the pure love of our Creator.
General Information on the Stars and Constellations Used in Orin's Journeys
The Big Dipper is located in the constellation of the Great Bear, the stars are seen as the embodiment of the Great Ones who radiate Divine Will to humanity.
Actions of Divine Will
Transcending: Divine Will is whole and complete, and sees all things from beginning to end–past, present, and future–yet knows that the personality self must be expanded in gradual stages into this realization. It transcends the limits of the personality self which is encased in the world of form.
Transmitting: Divine Will is transmitted and those who receive it become transmitting agents of it. Part of humanity's purpose is to transmit Divine Will to the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms, just as the higher kingdoms are transmitting Divine Will to humanity. You can receive and transmit Divine Will to any area of your life, to others, and to other kingdoms.
Transforming: Divine Will transforms that which receives its transmission.
Transfiguring: This transformation leads the many back to the one; the many become one.
Transmitting: Divine Will is transmitted and those who receive it become transmitting agents of it. Part of humanity's purpose is to transmit Divine Will to the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms, just as the higher kingdoms are transmitting Divine Will to humanity. You can receive and transmit Divine Will to any area of your life, to others, and to other kingdoms.
Transforming: Divine Will transforms that which receives its transmission.
Transfiguring: This transformation leads the many back to the one; the many become one.

These are the names of the 7 stars of the Big Dipper (the physical manifestation of 7 great beings) who transmit the 7 qualities of Divine Will and Purpose to humanity:
It has not been revealed which star transmits which quality.
It has not been revealed which star transmits which quality.
Benetnasch (Also known as Alkaid)
Mizar (a binary star; companion is called Alcor)
Mizar (a binary star; companion is called Alcor)
The brightest star in the Big Dipper asterism is Alioth, Epsilon Ursae Majoris, which is also the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major and the 31st brightest star in the sky.
Five of the seven stars belong to the Ursa Major Moving Group, also known as Collinder 285. The Ursa Major Moving Group is a group of stars believed to share a common origin, proper motion, and common velocities in space. Mizar, Alioth, Megrez, Phecda and Merak are members of the group.
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