Many of you are saying; " Yes, but..." No more "buts" dear ones, the time for buts...has run out and can no longer exist for anyone who is serious about their spiritual evolution. Either you accept that you are a Divine Being embodying all the qualities of Source, or you do not. You have prepared for this through lifetimes and are ready to come into your own. NOW.
You are qualified to be finished with seeking and searching through classes, books, groups, spiritual tools, etc. but the habit of seeking has become so ingrained that even the very evolved hesitate to give it up not realizing that they will still receive information and be taught, but the higher learning will come from within rather than from without.
We are not saying there is no longer any place for classes, books, readings, crystals, beads, ceremony, etc. etc. because for many, especially beginners, these tools are the bridge that will lead them into higher truths. Nor do we say that you cannot enjoy your favorite crystal, go to church, or take some class you may be guided to but these things must now become a choice, rather than a need.
You are no longer beginners and any continued dependence on outer persons, places, or things in the belief that they are necessary to your spirituality can only serve to keep you in bondage to what is old and false--everything based in duality and separation.
Metaphysics is action taken to heal, correct, or change something. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to heal, correct or change. You are ready to become modern day mystics. Those who live in the world but are not of it.
This can be difficult for those who make their living through the practice and teaching of metaphysics. It is the sacred obligation of those who teach and work in the metaphysical fields to allow their students to grow beyond needing them or any particular practice.
An evolved teacher will make it clear to his students that spiritual tools only serve to activate that which is already fully present within them rather than being the source of power. The ultimate goal of any spiritual path is to grow the student beyond needing it and into the realization of...
"That which I have been seeking, I AM"
Intense energies of Light are forcing dense energies still held in cellular memory to surface physically , mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Allow these experiences which at times can be unpleasant, to move through and out which can take several days, aware that any pain or inconvenience is temporary.
Old energies stored from other lifetimes are simply impersonal beliefs accepted and claimed as reality which is important to remember if a clearing becomes uncomfortable. If you declare to yourself and believe I am this or I am that, (sick, depressed, fearful etc.) you draw these concepts back into your energy field and endow them with a reality and power they do not have and where they can once again become personally yours.
taken from
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