Sunday, 20 January 2019

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon In Leo. AstroGraph Astrology "Chiron, the Wounded Healer, represents that infinite spiral of healing: becoming present with pain, encouraging us to offer to our inward angst our fullest love and acceptance, and allowing us to reintegrate the wisdom of the wounded place back into the wholeness of Self. This process, of course, is more easily said than done, yet there is a lot of supportive energy now for healing of all kinds."

A Leo Lunar Eclipse of Awakened Creativity
By Leslie Benson

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo that graces our skies on January 20th, at 9:16pm Pacific time, comes with certain fascinating and potent astrological configurations. To begin with, because taking place in the very first degree of the Sun’s and Moon’s respective signs of Aquarius and Leo, it brings our awareness to the symbolism of Leo, which invites forth any aspects of self that crave bold expression, creative flow, and fierce individuality. The Aquarian solar energy, on the other hand, offers us eagle vision that sees far and wide, and is concerned with advocating for the highest good of the community. We are therefore being asked to put our individuality on the line in our most creative way, in service to the society that surrounds us. When we add to this notion a whopping dose of Saturnian Capricorn energy set up by the recent New Moon and Solar Eclipse that very nearly started off the year, providing a structured approach for getting very measured and practical with our goals and our vision for this life, we have a potent recipe inviting each of us to step more deeply into alignment with our most beautiful and integrated expression of Self...
Read more about the Leo Lunar Eclipse »

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