Friday, 11 January 2019

Sooo...New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn shenanigans. Dare I ask..How was it for you? Probably affecting those more with personal planets in Capricorn: Synchronicity and learning How I 'do' Love. ( I wrote this on the 7th Jan but hesitated in posting it because I wasn't sure if i could do anything with its unfolding revelations~~ till today, after the 'sand blasting' of last night. It could be that this is one of the things that has been soften refined and restructured by last nights 'star dust' sand blasting~~ here's hoping. Michaela)

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Yesterday I was prompted to buy, in a charity shop, a large piece of Onyx, to go with my onyx ring, after reading that it was associated with many qualities that were helpful for me right now. It being associated with Mercury and quick thinking, and the new moon and eclipse was in Capricorn wherein lies my Venus, my moon and my mercury.

So I woke up this morning, again feeling ethereal and beyond the veil, I couldn't get grounded so I held the onyx and did a meditation.

Aluna has said a few times now that the moon is the veil, that comes between us and the great beyond, and the moon is that which delivers the discord that we have to work through to get beyond the veil. At these times the veil is thinning and we can reach out. Also the structural domain that is held in the veil becomes destructured and we can see where we are out on a limb and being held back.

So it became clear to me that my veiling moon (lower octave), in Capricorn is also veiling my Venus, which are all in my seventh house of 'partnerships and relationships' that all my 'female' business has been about the lower octave Capricornian business of duty and communication to serve.
It was like a bolt from the blue. How I am in my female/Venus/Love is a 'tidy' world-wind,of  a mercurial communications business-like manager who gets things done, (believe me this would have been more productive in another house such as my career house!!!).... But the upshot is: this is how I do Love. My female aspect is driven like a slave to accomplish that. And I do. So much so that I tend not to have energy and time for anything else...With my friendship relationships and other partnerships I am structurally programmed to be Loyal,  but my lower octave Capricorn heart breaks as I don't know how to just 'be'... in romantic love, or Light hearted love, I am programmed to step into finding my place in that relationship as one who provides a service for the other...Without doing stuff for others, and 'serving' the other I am at a total loss as to how to 'be'.
I am running around being a busy and dutiful Capricorn moon.
Its like being a Moon warrior, with my 'Female Passion' holding up high, its sword of 'duty and service'.

So in became  easier, on my heart energy banks, to restrict the amount of people (partnerships, relationships, other seventh house stuff, where my Moon is) that I can possibly deal with, due to the intensity of my 'doing' ..where 'doing' is my loving.

I became too exhausted giving out all the time. Over time there becomes dread with . My Venus is forgetting who she could be as the veiling moon acts to distort the natural harmony of the flow from the suns energy that charms it in the seventh house. The suns energy flows to each planet and the houses they are in, in moment of time. But where the moon is found in our natal charts lies a hidden distortion of the charms of those planets.  The sun as it moves through a house blesses it and activates it elements and qualities. It seems to me that the moon acts to  by the characteristic of the house it is in, acts to achieve a polarity pull within the experience governed by that house. If we can't see it and balance it ourselves then the moon pulls all in its lunar tidal wave.

The higher Octave Capricorn is service with love....So the eclipse means we can begin to let go of the lower order fears (the programmes that we are locked into) in order to pull ourselves to the higher order.

In other words, When the sun is eclipsed, it means that the suns energy onto those planets in those houses are Now seen in context of the totality of the moons tidal wave.
We can see whats really happening...We can see the duality and polarity solidly in the glare of the moon light, when normally the Suns glare blinds us to what the moon is doing behind the Sun's back, so to speak.

So this is the time when all such distortions can be seen, mostly we can see the fears and behaviour patterns locked in behind those fears, we see them through the windows of the house that contains our moon.

As the veil thins, we see what 'structures held within the veil' that we have been programmed by.

Just saying.

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