Friday 14 September 2018

Blue Planet II : The Prequel. TV at its best. The most beautiful images of the sea, followed by the Desert Sea. Water.... Water lot of water. So I have talking about this wave. this huge wave. It can be both water, and immensity of feeling, simultaneously and we may be in a position to experience the LOAD in both its forms.

The Great Wave off Kanagawa
The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Print by Hokusai

I am still getting strong vibes about large bodies of water.

But this is not just about the seas its is everything contained in the body of water.

Its about the immensity that is coming through to us now, as we shut off from the NOISE that has been distracting us away from the hugeness of what we CONTAIN.

The image of HUGE WATER,  runs parallel with the feelings of emotion that contain the life codes we have been directed away from perceiving and receiving through to fruition in our systems. We have only been accessing the small acceptable stuff, and even that has been redirected through ego into small bitesize chunks.

A few nights ago I watched this program on the seas, it was beautiful and gripping. Viewing life in from beneath a mass of water, containing life forms and the origins of our human life on earth.

Later that evening I started to feel unwell. Unease and queasiness worked its way up to my through throat. Soon I was quite agitated. The feelings then became like filling up with water inside. My lungs and body, just steadily filling up... But the scenes I could see where of huge waves in the dark.  like storms out to sea, in the dark of the night. No light.

Panicking, I was trying to find to manage the drowning feeling. but came to realise it was not supposed to be managed, that is what we have done, and now is the time to access the power of those feelings, huge and scary as they might be...I realised I just had to ride it out, lie in drowning mode, suffocating mode, as if I was enacting an actual tsunami, or an actual Atlantis flood. Letting the hopeless feelings curse through my veins. All I could think of was to grab a thought that would bring me further and faster on this flow...

I found..the thoughts "thank you" I just said repeatedly as if in prayer, "thank you".

I can't remember what happened next but I was washed away. When I woke in the morning I still felt a bit shakey. But the image I had on waking, through the light of still closed eyes,  was of the dawn breaking over a desert island, which had been battered by wild waves all night.

 It was, IT IS an internal wave.

Such internal Storms are coming forth,  in us,  to re-acquaint us with our ..
that has been steadily denied, ignored, dead and buried, out of sight, and held deep down in our psyches.

Where NOW the 'divine mind' is this, and is opening up in us, it is there to be retrieved by us and used by us to carry us onward, in the hugeness of the flow, through to the next upward spiral of evolution level.

This is not exactly Darwins evolution, but Darwins evolution explains how species adapt with their changing environment to survive...and yes that is the way it is...

but... the WaY It Is,  is also that we are the species who created the changes in our environment, 

( by 'playing' with our inner nature, innateness, power, i.e. by ignoring, denying, suppressing, separating out from love, and dissecting love into a prism of many different versions of love, and by love>Pain>fear we experience and  demonstrate fear, anger, etc. This demonstration of emotions is what was used  to create the myriad different external in order to 'force' species survival of the best, the species controlled its own forced contraction, to enforce situations, in order to breed a very special 'species growth' evolution and upward spiral)

 and the cycles of evolution upswing each time... all is GROWTH, BY CONTRACTION AND THE SIMULTANEOUS EXPANSION...IT IS WHAT was planned...and now is the moment for the CURRENT end of cycle harvest...

So It could be true that inner storms will indeed reflect outwardly in external storms and flooding,
depending on how we feel our way through the flow.  Our combined harvestable power will determine what actually plays out in our external, aggregate of collective consciousness experience. If our expansion is such that we 'need' a flood/tsumani, then we get to 'create' it,  to be on track with the contraction/expansion upward spiral....
So is the flow. It is what it is, and we are not only a part of it, but we are the wave itself.
Baby gods moving mountains and creating waves. To our graduation. Michaela.

Keep Moving…

There are some circles on your Earth plane that say you should be happy all the time and other, negative, emotions are ‘bad’.  The Universe is here to tell you that this is the furthest thing from the truth.  With the current shift, there will be a wide range of emotions…some good and some not so good.  It is perfectly OK to feel all of them!  It may be challenging at times, you may feel a bit fearful, awkward, anxious, jittery or down right uncomfortable.  All are correct in this moment.  The most important thing to remember…they are temporary!  You may not feel like stepping forward because of it but step forward you must.  Just keep moving toward the light and all will be well. ~ Creator

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