Friday 28 September 2018

Moon Phase personalities.

I can see the Moon clearly this morning, it is in the west. It is as big and clear as in this picture of the moon in the morning sky over Safford, Aizona. The sky line here is not as dramatic but strangely the moon's presence this morning is awesome.

After sunrise … Look west for the daytime moon ⛅️🌕 Paul Schulz caught a daytime moon Wednesday morning, above and then behind Mt. Graham, Safford, Arizona. Watch for the moon in the west each morning this week, floating against a blue sky. Thanks, Paul!

So why am I thinking about the moon again?

Surprise surprise the moon phase today is last quarter, the phase of my natal moon.

The moon phases are the changing flavours in the month.
New moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter and back to New moon.

The phase of the moon in the sky when you were born will have impacted its element into you.

The last quarter moon is about sharing what you have gathered from your cycle. For example People born under a last quarter moon phase will have this element of sharing. It will be a dominant feature of their character.

Last Quarter

If you were born in the Third Quarter moon, you have the gift of deep understanding. You have what other people would refer to as a “truth gauge,” and you’re highly intuitive.
You’re also very opinionated. You reject mainstream opinions, and like to come up with theories of your own. You are a very skilled worker, especially when it’s for a cause you believe in. You are inherently mature, and will often display traits of that maturity at a young age.
You sometimes struggle with the opinions of others, and how deeply (or not) you will let your life be guided by them. Fear not, because as time goes on, you will gradually learn to think for yourself completely.
Pay attention to your later years, your 60s-70s. That will be the time that you genuinely stop caring what anybody thinks, and boldly live your truth.

Third Quarter
The tree becomes bare as leaves change colour and begin to fall. The question of meaning and purpose is paramount in the life of Third Quarter types. For them, the midlife period, from the late 30s to early 50s, is filled with change, as previously conservative or mainstream Third Quarter individuals make dramatic shifts, embracing alternative life choices to pursue a life aligned with their personal philosophy. Often there is a key event through this time which acts as a catalyst. Friends, family and colleagues may struggle to understand why, at the heights of their career, Third Quarter types walk away from all they’ve built up. This phase is described as a “crises in consciousness” which reflects the importance of acting in accordance with their beliefs. Third Quarter Moon phase types are constantly re-evaluating the old and, as they move through life, they turn away and discard old patterns. Many cut ties with the beliefs or philosophies of the culture or community in which they were raised. There is an urgency that drives them as if they know they won’t always continue along the same path. Third Quarter types easily combine instinct with creativity.

Calculate your moon

If you know both your Sun and Moon signs you can roughly work out your Moon phase. Find your Sun sign and then count (counting the sign of the Sun as “one”) how many signs away your Moon sign is (following the order of Aries through to Pisces). If you get to the end, continue counting from the start again. The order of the Zodiac signs is as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
For example, the Dalai Lama was born with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Virgo. The Moon is three signs away from the Sun, which equates to the crescent Moon phase.
Sylvia Plath was born with the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Libra. The Moon is 12 signs from the Sun so she is a Balsamic Moon Phase.
New Moon the Moon is in the same or the second sign from the Sun
Crescent Moon the Moon is three signs from the Sun
First Quarter the Moon is four or five signs from the Sun
Gibbous the Moon is six signs from the Sun
Full Moon the Moon is seven or eight signs from the Sun
Disseminating the Moon is nine signs from the Sun
Third Quarter the Moon is 10 or 11 signs from the Sun
Balsamic the Moon is 12 signs from the Sun
Kelly Surtees is passionate about astrology and respected among her peers for her insight and knowledge. She offers readings to clients around the world. A full-time astrologer, Kelly is based in Sydney where she teaches a full program in astrology through the Earth Institute ( Contact her through her website
to find your natal moon phase go here

New moon is October 9

New moon is October 9, 2018, at 3:47 UTC. That’s October 8 at 11:47 p.m. EDT. The moon is crossing the sky with the sun during the day now. The difference between new moons and young moons, here.
View larger. | Youngest possible lunar crescent, with the moon's age being exactly zero when this photo was taken — at the precise moment of the new moon - at 7:14 a.m. UTC on July 8, 2013.  Image by Thierry Legault.  Visit his website.  Used with permission.
Youngest possible lunar crescent, with the moon’s age being exactly zero when this photo was taken — at the instant of new moon – 07:14 UTC on July 8, 2013. Image by Thierry Legault.
When the moon is most nearly between the Earth and sun for any particular month, astronomers say it is new.
We don’t see a new moon in the sky, unless there’s a solar eclipse, with the moon directly in front of the sun. The image above shows a new moon, not in eclipse, but taken by an expert using special equipment.
Most of the time, the new moon passes not in front of the sun, but simply near it in our sky. Either way – in front of the sun or just near it – on the day of new moon, the moon travels across the sky with the sun during the day, hidden in the sun’s glare.
In the language of astronomy – a day or two after each month’s new moon – a slim crescent moon always becomes visible in the west after sunset. Astronomers call this slim crescent a young moon.
New moons, and young moons, are fascinating to many. The Farmer’s Almanac, for example, still offers information on gardening by the moon. And many cultures have holidays based on moon phases.
And, of course, many look forward to the return of the moon to the evening sky. This always happens a day or two after new moon.

Most of us will never see a new moon, unless we witness a total solar eclipse. Here’s a new moon covering the sun, in an eclipse that swept across the continental U.S. on August 21, 2017. Beverley Sinclair, who saw the 2017 eclipse outside Charleston, South Carolina, wrote: “The skies were very cloudy leading up to totality but, miraculously, slowly cleared as totality approached. This photo shows the diamond ring and Bailey’s beads.”
As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow the links below to understand the phases of the moon.

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