Thursday 27 September 2018

"Chiron, the Wounded Healer." The author writes: "As an immortal who gave up his immortality, Chiron represents the merging of our human identity with our spiritual identity ... We can use the energy of Chiron as a shamanic link to assist both ourselves and our companion animals in reconnecting to source and realigning with the abundant health and well-being that it provides." WITH CHIRON and the Moon in Aries, we are in the process of healing core issues of self-determination and self-confidence. Chiron in Aries can reveal a deep uncertainty or fear. When the wound is very deep, we may be disassociated from our desires, not knowing what we really want in life. We may question our right to even have needs, much less to ask for those needs to be met."

WITH CHIRON and the Moon in Aries, we are in the process of healing core issues of self-determination and self-confidence. Chiron in Aries can reveal a deep uncertainty or fear. When the wound is very deep, we may be disassociated from our desires, not knowing what we really want in life. We may question our right to even have needs, much less to ask for those needs to be met.
This is especially complicated for those who are other-oriented, or who have embraced the belief that it is selfish or "unspiritual" to want something for oneself. If that belief is deeply ingrained, even when a person learns to ask for their needs to be met, the fulfillment of those needs can be blocked energetically.
At the other end of the spectrum, Chiron in Aries is also healing how we use assertiveness, and the emotions of aggression and anger. In essence, while Chiron travels through the first sign, we are working to heal the masculine aspect of our nature, to bring it into balance in our individual lives and in the world.
It appears to be very important, the timing of this Aries Full Moon and its alignment with Chiron. If it were occurring just 24 hours later, Chiron (currently retrograde) would have already stepped back into Pisces, and we would no longer have quite the same emphasis on this healing process. Cosmic timing and intention are definitely in play this week.
A CARDINAL T-SQUARE is formed at the time of the Full Moon. This growth-accelerating configuration is formed by the Moon and Chiron in Aries; the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres in Libra; and Saturn and Vesta in Capricorn.
Astrologer Bil Tierney writes that a cardinal t-square can be very energizing, but can keep us "in a constant rush or frenzy on the action level." He cautions that "we will need to develop greater self-discipline, inner timing, outer patience, and a general sense of thoroughness and organization if we are to succeed."
Saturn is at the apex point of the t-square, indicating that we can expect to deal with some frustrations if we push for results too soon. The delays that occur under this influence are meant to teach us patience and maturity.
Apex Saturn reminds us of the importance of thinking carefully about our long-term objectives, rather than focusing merely on what will satisfy our in-the-moment needs. And, with the asteroid Vesta at the same degree as Saturn, we have the discipline to fully commit to a longer-term course of action and to see it through to its successful completion.

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