Thursday 27 September 2018

Taking the time to monitor the food you eat, is like choosing what thoughts you think. We need to stop swallowing down everything put on the plate before us. Food control is like mind control. What thoughts are pushed at you, what food is available to you. Where you clear up your thoughts and actions, you choose to be 'thoughtful' about your own energetic biology systems being. Its about managing as much as you can to assist the body and mind into beneficial patterns. Some molecules and chemicals just cause body disruption, in the same way uncultivated thoughts add to mind chaos. When we swallow 'thoughts' and 'foodstuffs' that are not mindful and not compatible with the growing, evolving bigger picture, then we remain trapped in a mass of personal and collective broken down energy systems, where the only though is about trying to survive disease. With discernment the same discernment you use for your thoughts and actions, take chemicals out from your food, and from what you put on your body. Michaela

Sicker, Fatter and One Step Closer to DEATH

We all believe that if its food it must be edibile. But we know too that knowledge has changed and our understanding of how the body works has changed.

The processes that make large wholescale production, vats of liquids and mush, are used to add to other vats of stuff, to be turned into smaller vats of stuff, and then eaked out onto trays and packed into units of deliciously tasting, chemically enhanced foods. These trays and units of food stuffs are bought in a 10 minute supermarket sweep, on the way home from work before picking kids up from baby minders. We are tired, and have no energy and even so we need to keep the pace up. The baby minder charges for another hour, and the traffic is bad. If its not the baby, its the dog. Or the weekly class, or night school, or maybe there is a second job in the evening or night shift. Whatever it is we may be money rich but we are time poor. The main portion of us are money poor, and so the majority of us are in survival mode. This means we are also poor in the food choices we have.

And so the food available to the majority of time poor, money poor populations is predominately  food that is booby trapped.

But it needs a couple of things to make the ultimate environment for these unwholesome ingredients to show their true colours. Years usually, for the small insidious wrecking molecules to do the damage that becomes evident mainly in young middle age years, the time when you have got more balls to juggle. Despite that we have come to rely on experts, doctors and the large corporations that make the food stuffs to advise us. There is absolutely no way they would do anything to put bad stuff on the food shelves, absolutely NO way.


Ok. The sicker people get, the more stressed and the more dependent they therefore become on the experts...primarily because they have no time to 'feel' what their body is saying, in response to something it has just been fed. Their is a certain oil used, that when I eat something cooked in it my throat closes and restricts immediately the reaction is 'its stings' and my throat closes. I don't know what oil is it because it can be on anything. It thinks its where a mixture are processed and heated together.... When you get a bad feeling after food, bloating, and pain, that is your body saying dont give me this shit. Food is supposed to be nourishing and calming situation. Where energy molecules are provided at intervals that are beneficial to the individual.

How an individual takes his or her food is something they should learn through the quietness and mindfulness of discerning how the body appreciates what it is given to work with...Deciding which palette of foods the body enjoys and how the energy is used is a unique expression. It takes years, children rely on what is going on around them. The lessons learned should be to therefore  know what is great food, and what is diet poor food. What soothes and nourishes, what makes you want to spring into action, what will require quiet deliberation while digestion takes place.

Where we have no such management, we cannot discern what is going to keep us up all night in pain and indigestion. We cannot know which 'secret' offensive has been attacking our intestine walls, sometimes even since we were babies suffering with colic and acid reflux...Babies have this early autoimmune response, were they have started to discern,  but  this discernment is not encouraged and just given medications to dumb it more chemicals to batter the intestines walls. Autoimmune response are just given chemicals to remove the 'idea/feeling/reaction/response that something taken into the body or is around the body is NOT right for that individual. So more medication is taken to remove that 'Not Right For ME' response' from the individual..
That person is considered 'WELL' when they can take in , and be around,  more and more stuff that is simply 'NOT RIGHT FOR THEM'.

Self Discernment is required in what we watch, listen to and be around. In the same way, that 'bad' TV is consumed without thinking and feeling how they 'feel'  in their stomachs, hearts and minds  about what they have just is just bombarding the body systems with Stuff that is NOT RIGHT for them, .....BUT......If it is on TV it must be OK.

They would NOT put something on TV that would be detrimental to my psychological and emotional wellbeing.... that would cause long term damage to my thought processes and brain development....they would NOT want to compromise me by DUMBing me DOWN...Absolutely...No Way.



ealtAccording to the New England Journal of Medicine, gluten has been linked with more than 55 diseases.
Believe it or not, this isn’t even the scariest part.
Because gluten has also been connected to inflammation — and chronic inflammation has long been a well-known symptom of many infectious diseases. Some believe it’s the ROOT of all chronic disease.
In fact, molecular and epidemiological research published in the Journal EMBO Reports says the “evidence increasingly suggests that inflammation is also intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, perhaps even all of them.
When your immune system is continuously creating inflammation in response to the gluten you’re eating, your leaky gut, and the microbes and toxins flooding your bloodstream, you develop chronic inflammation.
Your immune system is now stressed and is less able to attack pathogens and invaders with precision.
This makes you susceptible to a whole range of potential illnesses and issues you can’t even fathom right now.

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