GoLd is the missing Link, or rather it is the Symbol of the gift of Godlove for the infant humanity, (see previous post on GoLd) that has been misused, misunderstood and turned into something less, more base, and entangled with greed and separation...and that has been tied up and hoarded and reduced into currency that serves only a few, and dis-empowers all, by its misuse
for recorded history we have not been able to access the higher qualities and properties of it, for whatever reason: either we grew too thick, too dense, were sabotaged or were separated from it by design to see how we could create, would create a world distanced from it,
how do we come round to gain it again...How do we see what we could not see? How do we recover the natural element that was given us in the etheric, but has become solid as we have become dense over time on earth? How can we turn this lead in our hearts back into the GoLd given us at our origin?
The answer is that we have already started. It just takes time.
The thing is we are learning that we can create, we can do the alchemy. We have made as many miscreations with black lead, so we have made the many many mistakes for long enough, mistakes required to actually learn from and master this ability. So the idea is to actually stop making mistakes, and soon.
If the gift of GoLd was given to infant humanity, than it was seeded in us that we can too create these gifts, we can continue but this time we are the creators that create the GoLd that enhances and balances and vitalizes life on Earth.
We get to be the initiators of 'God love' as well as being those who live, thrive and bask in it.
We get to create the gift of God love, ourselves and we get to live within this gift.
It just taking a bit longer to wrestle free from our mistakes and miscreations that have piled up around us. But we are no longer in our infancy and we are finding it excruciating to deal with the consequences of miscreations, deviations from the GoLd energy of God Love.
I had a dream about black stagnant water, it was a big pool of the stuff, and it was rank.
It was like pool of an old Hollywood house, back in the days of the Hollywood dream, but it had become stagnant left to decay and rot, unloved and unused. The dream seemed to be showing that the fluid, is the interstitial fluid of the human body, what our cells are swimming in. All that we experience on the external are symbols of what goes on internally, if internally we are sluggish and full of issues, than that is the basis through which we continue to create our external. If we see that GoLd is something that we are not worthy of, we have not got the currency to buy then we are coming from a place that is concerned with, and replicates thoughts continuously around "I have no worth" and also there are the regurgitation of mistaken beliefs concerning money and gold and anything to do with what see is of worth.
"Your issues are in your tissues" as they say in Yoga.
Michaela.for a final insight and some back down to earth stuff to work with... go to. https://michellejayne.com.au/2015/07/13/turning-lead-into-gold/

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