No Energies Left in the Old Codes

Some readers were talking in Comments under another article, about how “dead” most everything of the old lower patriarchal Earth world feels to them. The reason for this is because those Source created old Cycle energy codes fully expired December 21, 2012, and along with them all the Team Dark (TD negative aliens and different entities and negative humans) hijacked distortions and overlays of those old codes. So between both the original Source created past Evolutionary codes, and the hijacking and horrendous distortions of those codes by TD to more easily control humanity, Earth and life and reality on Earth, everything is very much dead in that old Earth world and timeline(s). It’s all disappearing like the dinosaurs and more and more people are very aware of and feeling the passing of the old Evolutionary Cycle and its codes.

To more and more people, not just those who are consciously aware of and have been living the Ascension and Embodiment Processes for many years or decades, are increasingly feeling this dead, lifeless, empty, non-vibrant, grotesque and energetically flat landscape that used to be planet Earth; the negative anti-life and anti-human global patriarchal reality run by nonhuman aliens and entities at the unimaginable expense of mass humanity, Earth and beyond for thousands of years.

I spent most of Tuesday laying down with no sounds in the house at all because the pain was that severe. Once this vision of this etheric thing inside my head became visible to me, I could See and feel how this Gateway’s energies were literally impacting this thing, like a Divine hammer repeatedly pounding on an old negative implanted anvil, and the pain from all this was extreme. With closed eyes I watched this vision of my head being Worked on energetically and asked what this large metal looking thing was and what was happening. The immediate answer I got was, and I quote because this was really interesting to me, “It’s just like what happened to Saturn recently and why.”
I’ve repeatedly mentioned about what happened to Saturn in April 2017, which was that it was intentionally blasted by seven Solar flares to energetically free it from the TD distortions (inverted) they’d placed over Saturn and its organic energies to better control 3D physicality, reality, humanity and life on Earth. Because I’d been very aware of what and why these seven Solar flares happened to Saturn earlier this year, the image I Saw on November 7, 2017 of some etheric thing, device, impediment, implant etc. inside my head made instant sense as to why it was hurting so severely due to these latest Gateway energies. It felt like this immovable thing would cause my jaw to break under the repeated blows from these energies. My spine reverberated from them and all I could think of was how profoundly handicapped humanity has been thanks to Team Dark’s actions.
After hours and hours of this reaching a breaking point late Tuesday, it finally did happen, the breaking point! Amidst the severe head, jaw and upper spine pains and growing pressure from the NEW Light hammering repeatedly on my head and this etheric thing there on the left half of it, I heard a tiny single sound like a pop in or near my Pineal and Pituitary glands and instantly the etheric thing vanished and all the immense physical pain stopped. It was done. Block, distortion, implant or whatever it was was gone thanks to the latest Gateway NEW Light and NEW codes being literally hammered into me through the entrance point above the top of my physical head. My inner ears are still ringing but thank gawd the severe pain is gone and I can feel these latest NEW Lights and codes flowing unimpeded into and through me and my HighHeart and physical body. Oh Saturn, I can so relate to what you went through this year and why. 
I shared this story because many Forerunners forget that we’re simultaneously releasing, transmuting and clearing old codes when and where needed but also negative energies, implants and other TD created parasitic distortions while Embodying larger and higher amounts of NEW Light and NEW codes. All this is often felt as one big painful process and we forget or don’t realize that much more is taking place than only Embodying more NEW Light within our physical bodies.

I’m finally going to mention this because it’s time. It’s been going on for many years but it’s time to shine the Light on this parasitic aspect too. It should be blatantly obvious to everyone but it sadly isn’t, not yet. I’m talking about those people who teach/preach Ascension information that believe themselves to be and/or claim themselves to be of the NEW Light when in fact their very actions and words prove they are not. Their actions and/or words prove them to be either false light—a nice little padded sounding term for inorganic Team Dark negativity presenting itself as organic Source created NEW Light when its anything but—or these people are simply unaware or don’t understand certain things yet or are delusional and/or have huge egos or all the above. In any case it’s very unpleasant for the people who are aware and Embodying more and more NEW Light and NEW codes.
There are some people and websites who will remain nameless by me but are well-known by most in the Ascension communities that are, based on my awareness, of the false light and are highly parasitic. There’s one person that has repeatedly quoted some of my articles on his/her website, which I allow in my Copyright Notice under my articles, but this person places a large donation button IN my article under its title and above my article. The way this person places THEIRdonation button IN my articles makes it look to their readers like it’s my donation button but it’s the donation button of the person whose quoted my article on their site. Parasitism within the Ascension community at its absolute lowest.
To the readers of other people’s websites that quote not only some of my articles but other Ascension writers as well, I ask you to honestly consider how authentic someone is that deliberately tries to make money in the form of donations off of other Ascension writers/teachers articles and material actually is. Are these the actions of someone whose honestly living the Ascension Process and evolving themselves? Or are these negative parasitic actions done by some to try to make money from other people such as myself in this particular case? When the actions and/or words of someone claiming to be of the Light aren’t at all, then it’s very ease to see this and instantly know that you, the readers of their websites are being manipulated and used by people who utilize this negative tactic against the people whose articles they’ve quoted on their websites.
On an only slightly less offensive level, there are certain people who don’t have websites but have YouTube accounts where they take other Ascension writers/teachers articles or materials and use a disgusting robotic sounding reading device to read my articles (and other Ascension teachers) in the hopes of making some money from some YouTube advertisements. Again, these are terrible parasitic actions done by certain people, but what’s worse to me as the author of stolen for profitarticles is that it sounds like my very words are being spoken by an AI voice that removes all the organic life and higher frequency Light and energies out of my words and articles… and then tries to make money off them.
The silence right there is my being saddened, angry, frustrated and disappointed by the unaware people living in such fear still that they do their utmost to steel and suck the life and Light out of other people’s Ascension articles. There’s much more, so much more, but enough of these people and their TD parasitic tactics. Readers beware, be wise, be honest with yourselves and discern these and other related actions and words by those people and/or supposed Ascension “teachers” who should know better IF they were indeed really living the Ascension Process themselves. Just like all the sexual predators being publicly outed now, ALL predators doing all sorts of negative parasitic actions to other people for gain of whatever type—money, sex, fame, leadership/guru type delusions, ego inflation etc.—will from here on out be increasingly outed. It’s time for this to happen across the board and there is nothing that can or will stop it or hide it, deflect it or derail it. Be the NEW Light, Embody the NEW Light, live by the NEW Light and NEW codes or be exposed for what you really are to everyone in the Light. This is not my personal war-cry or decree but Source’s. Try to f*** with that and see what happens to you and your life and very quickly now. No one is exempt from this, no one anywhere.
Now that I’ve gotten that off my HighHeart chest let’s have ice cream and cookies or something.
Man, this is no walk in the park kids, and as the old organic and inorganic energies and codes for that old now expired Cycle completely run out of footing, fuel and fumes of that old fuel, these parasitic people and all their parasitic actions and words will become increasingly obvious and repulsive to more people because their food and fuel supply is going, going, gone. No more head in the sand people. No more turning the other cheek. No more polite silence. No more enabling by any of us who do know better and have always been very aware of these people and their parasitism. See it, acknowledge it, call it what it really is and soon it won’t be able to exist at all in the NEW Light and NEW codes and ascending Earth world(s).
November 9, 2017
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the honest energy exchange. 

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