Image: Rare mosaic etching by IREL
I have been thinking about Gold. Not that I have any and I don't see a lot of it, apart from in rings on other people's fingers. I haven't been in the market for buying gold for...ahh... let me see... ever.
Gold is stuff for other people.
Also I have been reading a book called Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King, it is written in old fashioned language and speaks of the authors travels through time with St Germain. I kid you not it is all about GOLD. Large vats of gold... and sparkling gems and jewels and how they are hidden under the earth, in mountains on this plane and in lots of other, earth based realities. Also the importance of gold as a mystical imbuer of energy, is explained ...but not really in how the normal people can make use of it.
On page 21, at one of these places of bilocation he gives the description of gold, by St Germain, and tells us that
"Gold was a common commodity in this age, as in all the Golden ages, because its natural emanation is a purifying, balancing, and vitalizing energy or force. It is placed within the earth by the -'Lords of Creation'-those great beings of light and love-who create and direct worlds-systems of worlds-and the evolution of the beings upon them.
The outer mind or intellectual knowledge of humanity, holds within it little-very little -understanding of the - real- purpose for which gold exists on this planet.It grows within the earth like a plant- and through it is constantly pouring a purifying, vitalizing and balancing current of energy-into the very ground we walk upon-as well as into the growth of nature and the atmosphere we breathe.--------
(0f the the uses we know of,) the far greater activity-and purpose of it within and upon the earth is release- of its own inherent quality and energy, to purify, vitalize and balance the atomic structure of the world.
And then on Page 22.
" The energy within gold is of an extremely high vibratory rate, it can only act upon the finer and more subtle expressions of life.- thorugh absorption. In all - the golden ages- (and there a few it seems, Michaela) this metal comes into plentiful and common use by the mass of the people-and when such a condition occurs-the spiritual-development of that people reaches a very high state. In these ages the gold is never hoarded but instead, is widely distributed into the use of the mass-who absorbing its purifying energy-are themselves-raised into greater perfection. Such is the right use of gold and when this-Law-is consciously understood and obeyed-the individual may draw any quantity he desires to himself by the use of that-Law.
Because of the gold deposits in all mountain ranges-one finds health and vigor in his life upon the mountains-taht he cannot find at any other place-on the earth's surface. No one ever heard of detrimental effects coming to those- who constantly handle- pure-gold. While in its -pure-state, it is soft and wears away easily, still-that very quality-is the fulfilling of this purpose of which I have just spoken."
Ok. so its clear that we are far,very far from having free access to the life balancing properties of gold, and the distribution of gold is so that only a tiny percentage of the population actually know what gold is. The vast majority of the masses, may own a ring or two or a gold filling, or have scratching of it in a mobile phone, but the inherent qualities are not passed down to us. Maybe those who live in nature and near mountains will breath in the quality of natural gold energy as it passes through from the ground and into nature. But a sure sign of Golden Age must the redistribution of Gold. Haven't there been writers and chanellers speaking about vast aquisitions of gold, hidden away until mankind is more able to deal with it in a civilised manner? Again that might be St Germain.
Perhaps humankind, kept distant from gold by a predatory overlord, just became sicker and sicker as the natural atomic balance of earth and nature was siphoned off, by those who were quicker and slicker. Perhaps the natural state of the human being, bereft of gold energy, declining in health and glowing wellbeing, grew more- weak, and less- in-balance-and had to rely on other things like potions and medieval hocus pocus to survive .......until the pharmaceutical industry could really put the boot in and finish us off, once and for all, One time, like my Jamaican friend says. I joke of course...or do I?
Also by different writers we have accounts that there were visitors to the planet who, given permission by the Earth people of the time, (a very etheric and of much higher vibration density than we are on Earth now, ) were allowed to mine for this gold, until the earth became hardened by density and the anomalous gravitational pull. When this happened everything etheric became more solid and hardened, and so did the gold. For what were they wanting this gold? And for how long were they mining this etheric gold before it solidified and they before they had to find other means to mine it? When did they stop mining? DID they stop mining???? Are they still here? Did they leave enough gold to maintain the qualities that balance the atomic structure of earth and nature? Were these visitors setting us up to put the boot in? Dark overlords, greedy humans or greedy visitors?
You can get lost in all this.
Still its interesting, I never had any gold, only the slivers that work a phone. Maybe there is something in that sentence, what does a sliver of gold do for a mobile phone? If only a sliver is needed to complete the working energy of a mobile phone then we must look at its power. We could be using for something else, more holistic and less, well -less annoying and completely brain-draining for both youngsters and oldsters.
The internet is filled with sites about recycling the gold in your phone....(See here for how to pull the gold out of your phone, http://www.metalminemedia.com/p/gold-in-cell-phones-average-mobile.html ), I joke of course but for masses of people stuck in the new technology age, there is something very precious and desirable and comforting about holding a mobile phone, so maybe the design had sinister designs (putting the boot in again connotations) and has combined the gold to make the toxic elements of a mobile phone more addictive...Or maybe the mass production of mobile phones fulfil certain conditions, such as "We gave them (us, the masses) Gold like we said we would!" Its kind of like, putting the pill in sugar, but there is poison in the sugar too.
Again I joke.
Or do I?
Used? Abused? tricked and cheated? Some say that we will never know, because our memory has been wiped, conveniently.
One thing is for certain....The status quo is that gold has been kept out of the reach of the masses for all of our present recorded history. And that the conditions have to be right for the golden energy to return (?) to us. A sure sign that we have reached a golden age is when there is an abundance of the energy and qualities associated with Gold.
Below is a part of the fifth interview, the full interview can be accessed on line, if you really want to go down that line, but its not pretty. I am reminded by a friend that it is just a story in the same way everything else is, a bunch of symbols that came into play in the same way the story of the symbol of the apple came into play. Its all a story, as nothing is real, its just about what story we choose to believe that we want as a narrative to define our waking hours and hide in nightmares in our sleep.
And below the excerpt of the fifth interview is a more current piece on the energy of gold.
But perhaps it is better to just dream sweet dreams of gold rays and call on long forgotten golden energy to fill our fields of vision.

image by https://blackenedsnow.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Dreams-252635029

image by https://blackenedsnow.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Dreams-252635029
Dr Neruda gave a fifth interview with Sarah, regarding information from the Wingmakers in which he explains the following;
Dr. Neruda: “Correct. This was when the Atlanteans lived within the
planet. They were the race of beings that inhabited earth at this time of its
formation. The Anunnaki came to them and negotiated an agreement to allow the
Anunnaki to mine a substance near the core of the planet that would be—in its
essence—what today we would call gold.”
Sarah: “Gold? Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “They required it. The exact reason is unknown, but it had something to do with the way that gold modulated the frequency of their body. Gold was an essence to their race. It held a property that was vital to their survival. The record is a little vague as to exactly why it was so important. But these records mention that their entire planet had twelve major cities and all of them were made of a semi-transparent gold. Even the book of Revelations refers to this.”
Sarah: “Who were these beings? I mean, I’ve heard of the Atlanteans, but never the Anunnaki.”
Dr. Neruda: “They were a race of beings that were not physical, but etheric, interdimensional beings. Since the Atlanteans were the only race of beings on earth at that time, they—the Anunnaki—sought permission to set-up mining on earth, which the Atlanteans agreed to.
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “They didn’t see any harm in helping this race. They weren’t a competitor, since the Atlanteans were larger and more numerous. The Atlanteans wanted to have an agreement with the Anunnaki if only to befriend them for their technology. Also, the gold mining was in an area of earth that was of little consequence to them.”
Sarah: “I don’t see how this relates to The Grand Portal.”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a long story, and we just started, but I promise I’ll come to that in a bit.
Sarah: “Okay, that’s fine, I’ll be patient.”
Dr. Neruda: The earth began to materialize more and more. It began to harden in a sense. The gold with it. The earth, and everything on it, was solidifying. The mining of the gold would soon become impossible for the Anunnaki, because they’d be unable to mine the gold if it were in a dense, physical state.”
Sarah: “Why not?”
Dr. Neruda: “Their bodies were etheric. They could not mine the gold if it was physical. They needed to have bodies that would be able to operate on earth and mine the gold.”
Sarah: “How quickly did this happen?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t know. Our records didn’t stipulate the time scale, but I assume it was over tens of thousands of years. The point is that they needed to create a physical vessel like an astronaut would require a spacesuit to inhabit space. They tried hundreds of experiments and had the help of both the Atlanteans and Sirians.”
Sarah: “I assume this vessel is the human body?”
Dr. Neruda: Yes, we call them physical uniforms sometimes. The WingMakers refer to them as human instruments.”
Sarah: “So the Anunnaki created a physical body to mine gold.
Sarah: “Gold? Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “They required it. The exact reason is unknown, but it had something to do with the way that gold modulated the frequency of their body. Gold was an essence to their race. It held a property that was vital to their survival. The record is a little vague as to exactly why it was so important. But these records mention that their entire planet had twelve major cities and all of them were made of a semi-transparent gold. Even the book of Revelations refers to this.”
Sarah: “Who were these beings? I mean, I’ve heard of the Atlanteans, but never the Anunnaki.”
Dr. Neruda: “They were a race of beings that were not physical, but etheric, interdimensional beings. Since the Atlanteans were the only race of beings on earth at that time, they—the Anunnaki—sought permission to set-up mining on earth, which the Atlanteans agreed to.
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “They didn’t see any harm in helping this race. They weren’t a competitor, since the Atlanteans were larger and more numerous. The Atlanteans wanted to have an agreement with the Anunnaki if only to befriend them for their technology. Also, the gold mining was in an area of earth that was of little consequence to them.”
Sarah: “I don’t see how this relates to The Grand Portal.”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a long story, and we just started, but I promise I’ll come to that in a bit.
Sarah: “Okay, that’s fine, I’ll be patient.”
Dr. Neruda: The earth began to materialize more and more. It began to harden in a sense. The gold with it. The earth, and everything on it, was solidifying. The mining of the gold would soon become impossible for the Anunnaki, because they’d be unable to mine the gold if it were in a dense, physical state.”
Sarah: “Why not?”
Dr. Neruda: “Their bodies were etheric. They could not mine the gold if it was physical. They needed to have bodies that would be able to operate on earth and mine the gold.”
Sarah: “How quickly did this happen?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t know. Our records didn’t stipulate the time scale, but I assume it was over tens of thousands of years. The point is that they needed to create a physical vessel like an astronaut would require a spacesuit to inhabit space. They tried hundreds of experiments and had the help of both the Atlanteans and Sirians.”
Sarah: “I assume this vessel is the human body?”
Dr. Neruda: Yes, we call them physical uniforms sometimes. The WingMakers refer to them as human instruments.”
Sarah: “So the Anunnaki created a physical body to mine gold.
Gold has been known to possess a warm energy that brings
soothing vibrations to the body to aid in the healing process
Think, does anyone completely understand the importance of energy and how energies affect the body? Does anyone realize the significance and ramifications involved spiritually, mentally and physically when the body adapts to different energy forms, patterns and forces? In generations past, the techniques and philosophies of health, along with experiments with energies, often included various metals and their effect on the body. The effects of gold are subtle, but definitely apparent.
When studying energies, we find that in some older societies and older countries, gold was used for healing or was thought to have had healing properties. They used, at that time, 24-karat gold, not gold alloyed with other metals. Other metals change the properties of the pure gold and the vibrations emitting from it. If a person took pure gold and put it on an infection or a sore spot, it was said to help heal the wound and control infection. It was considered that gold possessed an energy that brought warm, soothing vibrations to the body to aid healing, for when the body relaxes and the blood vessels in the cells aren’t as constricted, blood can move through the tissue spaces more easily. Since all healing is the growth of new cells replacing the dead cells, the body would heal much better and faster, just as those people who have learned to meditate and use the other various arts of relaxation can testify.
In studying the different uses of gold in the healing arts, we find that for thousands of years acupuncturists used silver and gold needles. It was said that gold is warm and stimulating while silver contains a cold, inhibiting factor.
In some areas of India, if a man had hemorrhoids, he would wear a silver ring around his left little finger. In studying reflexologies and acupuncture meridians and other related sciences, you will find that the little finger reflexes with the anal area of the body, thus silver would have a tendency to make their tissues contract and help to cure the hemorrhoidal condition, as hemorrhoids are a malfunction of the muscles of the blood vessel walls. Today, modern acupuncturists use only steel needles. The art of feeling and knowing the different vibrations caused by various metals within the body’s energy systems has been virtually lost. Even today, however, there are some acupuncturists who will use a gold bead, sometimes only a 64th of an inch in diameter. The bead is placed on a small square of adhesive tape. It is then taped to an acupuncture meridian that is low in energy. The gold bead will pick up more energy from the surroundings and give the meridian a boost.
Colors also have an influence on health. Color is vibration; some colors are healing, some are stimulating, and others work against the healing process. Gold is warm and dilates the tissues and relaxes the injured area, permitting repair to be a little faster. Some kings and queens would wear a crown of gold on their heads or a gold band that would go around the entire head. In studying reflexology and acupuncture, you will find that the electrical meridians of the body are the electrical circuits of the body and are influenced by gold. Gold also can be used as a sort of jumper wire that allows the energy to go from one meridian that is normal and strong to one that is weaker and not functioning as well. It gives power to the weak or shocked meridians. Thus, it helps the body to heal itself in many respects.
Also, I found that colored stones were used for their healing properties as well. For example, a diamond would be cut so that it created prisms which would break the sunlight into different vibrations. These vibrations would be used by the body for healing. Remember, the body does the healing, not the medicines or chemicals or vibrations or anything else. All healing is a growth of new cells taking the place of old dead cells. Nothing can heal unless it can make cells.
Gold is believed to have a relaxing effect. When you feel something made of 24-karat gold it will have a soft, velvety texture. Nothing feels like pure gold. But it loses its effectiveness when combined with other metals.
Royalty put diamonds and emeralds in their crowns; they put rubies and other precious stones around their bodies. What made them precious? The fact that they helped heal and ease pain in the body. Only kings, noblemen and merchants could afford such luxuries as crowns, rings and bracelets. Gold and precious stones were not made for adornment at first, but were used as a preventive technique as well as a curing aid, adding energy to that part of the hand which reflexes areas of the body experiencing health problems.
Other minerals also have an effect upon the body. Here’s an experiment which will prove to you that your body has an influence on metal. Take several small pieces of metal: a regular steel sewing needle, an iron nail, a piece of copper, some silver, gold, and other types of metals. Tie a piece of string about six inches long to each of the pieces of metal, then take one of those pieces of string with metal tied to it, and hang it like you would a pendulum. Stand facing north, holding the string about a foot out in front of you. The piece of metal at the end of the string should be about level with your belly button. Just hold it there. Pretty soon you will begin to see it move or swing in certain directions. After you observe which way it swings, make a note of it. Face south, and you’ll find that it has a different swing. Try facing east and notice the difference again. Face west and notice the difference. Remember, it’s the same piece of metal, the same body, the same spot, but by facing in different directions you will find the metal pendulum will swing in different directions. The pendulum may swing in different directions for different people. Do that with each of the different metals you have. Your body and the environment have a definite effect on the metal. Likewise, when the metal touches you, your body has a reaction to the metal as well.
So, in conclusion, many of the ways of the past have been lost but not forgotten. Energies do exist; they do affect the body. Gold is precious, and its power and energy can be felt. Just put a pound of it in safe keeping and notice how good you feel-spiritually, mentally and physically. However, knowledge of energies and how they affect your health is more valuable than gold. If you don’t believe me, just ask a rich man who has lost his health
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