Thursday 30 November 2017

The saturn connection. credit cards blocked. Money and flow. Breaking free from the self restricted beliefs.

Gaia was always meant to be a fifth dimensional planet, but the Dark Ones attacked Her because they knew that she was the prophesized “Ascension Planet.”

This post is further to my last post.
I was thinking about gold in some previous posts, and came to the conclusion that as this world densified over time the nature of Gold densified and became polarised.

If, in the 'beginning' the human life form was given streams of 'gold' through the lands and mountains, in its environment to bestow a balancing, natural vibrancy and flow of energy, in the same way crystals and healing waters are found and everything that is needed for the human life form to live in the various habitats, that means that it has been corrupted and abused. The purpose for which it was intended has been denied to the masses and hoarded by the few.

The mind-biology systems that we have come to live by, have been denied the natural, enhancing, vitalising presence of Gold energy in the environment. It has been mined out from earth and its high dimensional energy has been denied to the masses. It had been turned into a commodity, withheld and hoarded, and used to enslave us. By turning the environmental beauty and energy giving, and life enhancing minerals and metals found in the earth into something that only the few can benefit from it has debased the natural flow of energy, and turned it into a  'currency' system that declares Worth, and Worthless and used to enforce partitions and segregation's.

Along with and associated with the energy of gold there is a natural method of self regulation, of flow, of ones place in the world and of recieving what one needs to be in this place, and self worth.  But it has been corrupted, or calcified or densified over our time here on earth, as everything has become more dense in third dimensional energy fluidity.

after the mining began to pull this value system out of the earth, gold was the natural energy of 'recieving what one needs to be in this place', and self worth, and manifest into something that was grasped and remained in ownership by the Rich Famous, gods, emperors, kings and queens, noble men etc, into statements of their own Worth.  Everyone else, was declared to have no worth. They, whomever they may be,  knocked out the natural balance and continued to knock it out, through money wars, and mining, etc etc. Ensuring that they, remain in positions of worth and that the worthless, remain so.

The system has crumbled into what it is today. But that was then, and this is now. So what has happened to the human life form? Well most of us come from the 'service to others' bias, where our mind-biology is just that, of 'Service to others' and this 'system' has been seen by the 'Service to Self' as being naive, vulnerable and worthy only to be made slaves of. So the institutionalized hyjacking of those systems has brought us to what we are today.

The connection with Saturn is about the massive influence it has on our planet. All planets have push pull energy on each other and on Earth we are no different. These influences can be understood in layers of dimensional intelligence. On our 3d level we can see only the physical nature of the surrounding planets and what dangers and astronomical and cosmological interferences they may have. Other dimensional layers will delve deeper into the influences planets have on the earth, such as 4d astrology and higher quantum understandings. It must be assumed that there are higher level energy dynamics that influence life forms on earth.

Take what we know about in Astrology and we can see that everybody dreads Saturn when it swings into the picture. It's effect can be seen as detrimental and crushing, like a grand jury and Judge, laying out judgements of where we have gone wrong and delivers the consequences.

My theory is that Saturn gives this planet the ideals, in the nature of  'higher' self-regulation and 'higher'self correction, to keep things on track and in plan for the evolution of the life form into  Ascension into higher thinking, so Saturn is about keeping things tickety boo.

But what if that influence was hyjacked and distorted in two ways. First,

  •  actually the physical energetic 'influence' electromagnetic or whatever energy system it uses and 
  • then subsequently 'how' that hyjacked or distorted influence plays out in our own personal energy systems. 

Where we have been bound in mud for so long,  the masses cannot see nor feel their true worth.
The higher ideals of self regulation and self correction have been tampered with to make our own 'virtual realities' a place of prison and constant chastisement and  how this plays out in the 3d is to make us pliable and manipulable, as inherently our self worth has been replaced with the reverse.

So Now, we are nearing the end of this hyjacking, and the stage is set for our enlightenment and ascension. When we are making conscious movement through and aligning with our own individual plans, many things begin to be seen, in layers. We begin to see one layer, which prepares us to see the next. Understanding and compassion and gratitude are required to fuel the space rocket that will take you on your journey. Seeing the traps that have kept you mud bound, can only propel your rocket further. Understanding and seeing the traps, allows the 'contractual' binds, to loosen and with higher level compassion to yourself and in the nature of service to others, it works to loosen the binds for all.

The pressures of these 'negative' influences from 'Saturn', where our self regulation and self worth have been kaleidoscoped into our virtual reality systems, whether we:

  • accepted them as truth
  • or were tricked into accepting as truth, 
using the mind -biology systems  have worked against. We have been pulled into a ' money, self worth, blocked flow of energy' system that has successfully formed the self restricted beliefs that run our individual virtual realities.

Unblock those credit cards!!!

So, how to unblock the abundant flow of energy to resume 'high self worth', value and exalt your place in the world, from a pure high heart?

My advise is to

  • meditate on how to open your eyes on how this has been in play in your life, 
  • meditate on Saturn and reach up higher into those 'heavenly body' meditations to feel the higher level guidance and gifts that its influence has to offer. Hopefully the picture becomes clear,  that Saturn's pure energy, 'self - regulation' comes from a pure-heart place, and is a place where 'self worth' is reflected back to you correctly, and not through the distorted mirrors placed in front of our naive and vulnerable 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision.

  • meditate on the energy of gold, that is a high vibration Gold energy, imagine you are surrounded in gold energy, and see it within your systems, watch it flow within, into and around your particles atoms. Imagine seeing it flushing out and transmuting all blocks to your self worth. It is love with a capital G.

  • know that you can change the virtual reality you conjure up around yourself, because it is simpley a creation of your own 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision.
  • REMEMBER, this is not real, all that you experience IS NOT YOU> you are a part of infinite, miraculous, 'shiney' energy ....that has a piece of it 'living a 3D version,  a 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision. IT is an illusion that you find yourself in, and so CAN what ever is required to make that illusion a more expansive and enlightening experience.
  • REMEMBER, what ever you do for yourself, you for do for others, liberating yourself works to liberate others.
  • It is possible that the liberation work you do for yourself, manifests to free Saturn's influence back into what it was originally intended. Simultaneously and vice versa, it is possible that it is, in truth, being freed up already, by OUR intentions and conscious desire to be free, at a rate that snowballs as more and more wake up and call for Liberation from these self made cages, that  OUR 'virtual reality' has been 'manipulated' to create.
  • REMEMBER It all helps the cause.

And below, and back to earth, some grounding words for energy transfer into the wallet.


Money problems (at their root) are always mindset problems. The greatest financial obstacle we face is our lack of awareness of the mind/body/spirit connection to our bank accounts, something almost none of us has ever really been taught. Instead, we absorbed lack consciousness and upper limiting beliefs, unknowingly holding them as truths, even though they are a form of unconscious self-sabotage. We tighten ourselves up emotionally and physically... and this drastically constricts the possibility that the money we so eagerly want and need can flow to us.
Once you begin to shift your mindset, however, your entire experience with money begins to change. Rather than holding in energy and clinging to old, wealth-constricting patterns, you begin to experience flow through your breath, body, and bank account as something fluid and organic, letting go of old misperceptions around limitation and lack. You start to feel freer in every way, and as physical and emotional barriers dissolve, suddenly new avenues of income start to appear. Sometimes these seem like miracles, but really this is all just part of the natural process of you reconnecting with the universal state of flow.
Let This Be the Year that Changes Everything!
Imagine having a lot more money than you do right now... and what that would transform in your own life and those closest to you. Imagine you could receive greater income not by working harder, or through some marketing or networking secrets, but rather through removing your own internal blocks towards abundance. Imagine you could directly reconnect to your sense of purpose, experiencing a re-awakening of your spirit, and begin receiving more income simply by living your most empowered life. The truth is, all of these are not fantasies for you to imagine but realities that are available through the philosophy and practices of this course!
A Year of Wealth Wisdom
Every day you'll receive an email--most of them short and sweet--with a quote or a thought to ponder or perhaps a simple task to do. After every week, you'll gently "check in" to notice and expand on how the themes you're exploring are expanding your wealth consciousness. And every month you'll receive a new audio meditation about 10 minutes long that you can listen to as often as you like to absorb and reinforce the key concepts of the course on all levels.
In these 365 days you will:
  • Redefine and reinvent your "money story"
  • Uncover and transform self-imposed financial limits
  • Develop simple and easy financial habits that will create life-long, steady progress towards financial goals
  • Reconnect with your purpose
  • Learn to forgive and heal the past... the essential first step in transforming your finances (or anything)
  • Expand your capacity to receive (and give)
  • Create an auspicious mindset where expansion is the norm (versus lack & limitation)
  • Become unstoppable
The 365 daily lessons are organized by such core concepts as:
  • Self Acceptance
  • Focus
  • Transformation
  • Challenge
  • Gratitude
  • Surrender
  • Giving Back

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