Sunday 19 November 2017

"Most of my old lower stuff has reached levels of unbearable-ness in 2017, because it cannot go much further into the NEW and I cannot support or continue it, so the weight and drag from it all is oftentimes too much for me. Twenty minutes later I’m good-to-go again and from an even higher level of being, " Denise le fey.

Becoming Conscious Creators — Denise Le Fay

Increasingly throughout 2017, I’ve personally discovered that even the highest of awareness’ I’ve had and/or do have in this moment today are not large enough or of a high enough frequency to actually work within what I and other Forerunners are evolving into from hour to hour. Said another way, the highest of my abilities to perceive and be in the highest levels are being quickly outgrown by myself and many of you reading this, and on an hour to hour basis. The mind cannot deal with this because it’s not designed to do so, and at times the HighHeart has been, for me, insufficient as well which was a big surprise when that happened. It’s not that the HighHeart wasn’t big enough to handle the NEW job, it’s that my current awareness of the HighHeart and more is quickly being expanded to greater and higher levels. And, this will only continue with everything so be ready Forerunners to continue outgrowing even your highest, most expansive and elevated perceptions, beliefs, expectations and awareness’. That’s a very positive thing Forerunners even though it may not feel much like it when you’re experiencing another one of these very NEW and very high levels within this ongoing Process. Forerunners are on NEW ground at NEW-to-them levels and this will only continue so the let go of business has reached completely NEW and much higher levels for each of us. Just release and continue doing so until you know it’s not necessary any longer, and you will know.

Read the full message.

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