Monday 13 November 2017

" When the human body and brain are being blocked with some mind control implant or a form of bio-neurological electronic harassment, it redirects the nervous system and brain to be more accessible to receiving thought transmissions generated from the many external sources that we are being exposed to. When focusing the person’s attention on a series of light and sound images, such as movies and music, these images transmit holographic information and sometimes this data transmits frequency Implants into the central nervous system, brain and unconscious mind. Noting the high saturation of images of death, violence and inhumane behaviors that are constantly aimed at the public from the media, reveals one layer of implanting harmful thoughts as a strategy."

Energetic Synthesis
ES Ascension NewsNovember 11th, 2017

Implanted Thoughts

"When we ignore the presence of darkness and we continually tolerate harmful behavior of senseless self-destruction, we commit a sin against the eternal light that exists within us.  We must become the love and light that shines from out of our form, in order to fulfill our purpose to become the authentic person we are meant to be.
Thus, we all must put some effort into our life to be the kind of person that we really want to be, and we will need the motivation to take care of ourselves properly. Develop a vision of what you’d like your life to be in relationship to the kind of person you want to become as your highest expression in this moment and in the future. Then aim for that positive vision and break down the goal into smaller pieces that you can demonstrate every day in order to create a meaningful and spiritually connected life. If you live in service to the greater whole, your life will work out in the best possible way. There is nothing more practical in creating the best quality life for yourself, then to solve the problems and obstacles that come as a result of committing to be the best person that you can be in this world."

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