Thursday 2 November 2017

Alchemize the stress by surrendering to love... a place of non-judgment.

Astro-Numerology Insights by Tania Gabrielle

by ForeverUnlimited
It’s been nearly a year…
Last December Saturn and Chiron formed the first of three 90° angles, called a “square”.
Tomorrowon Thursday, the final of those three meetings takes place.
In the past 11 months:
You are being HEALED by having FAITH in your DESTINY.
Saturn is currently in adventurous, expansive Sagittarius, Chiron in mystical, loving Pisces.
Chiron governs healing and love.
Saturn, the great teacher, makes sure you take responsibility and own your reality. Here is the planet that rules the 10th house of career in astrology asking you to release, breathe and surrender to your divine mission.
"Squares" create opportunities to overcome obstacles in order to achieve your goal. You are motivated to act despite your fears - an intrepid adventurer facing your personal truth.
For the past year you may have been uncertain at times (Chiron in Pisces) about your direction, maybe avoiding decisions due to an over-sensitivity or fear of judgment form others.
As you have understood this resistance and explored your life in new ways (2017 is a 10/1 Universal Year of New Beginnings), you've felt the lack of inner peace when taking on judgmental tendencies and have learned to replace them with tolerance, acceptance, surrender, understanding and compassion.
In accepting your own personal truth, you acknowledge how you enhance the world, no matter how small or large the gesture is.
This acceptance has helped you to explore your divine mission from a joyful angle (Saturn in Sagittarius)!
Your FAITH has blossomed.
Now the final coronation has arrived – a push out of the womb and into the fullness of life!
Chiron engages your HEART.
Deep healing is directly connected to the listening to the intelligence of the heart.
In the past year, you have discovered how to have faith during great times of transformation. This faith in your natural divine power has helped you to stay positive – as you find opportunities of inner transformation in ANY encounter, any situation.
During this Chiron-Saturn journey, Saturn has been traversing the final third of Sagittarius, crossing the point in the heavens that faces Galactic Center.
This meeting of Saturn and the center of our galaxy - the womb of creation - has awakened your undeniable connection to the center of your SOUL, to Source, God, Spirit in ways that you are now actively starting to explore and embrace!
We’ve arrived at the final culmination, the final of three meetings. Notice any stress or tension… if it comes up – surrender, breathe, allow it to naturally heal.
You can always take a moment to find calm and peace.
Alchemize the stress by surrendering to love... a place of non-judgment.
Healing paves the way for your surrender and ultimate success.
This culmination of the Chiron-Saturn square couldn’t have come at a better time… right before the 11 Gateway opens in 2018 - pouring a river of love and light into our lives!
  • 2018 is an 11 Universal Year: the 11 PORTAL into Prosperity and Peace is open all year long.
  • 11 clears the slate and blesses you with many exhilarating NEW opportunities.
A series of highly fortunate Star Code formations will be ushering in a brand new era.
Now you can prepare for next year's incredible 11 Gateway when you join our fourth annual 2018 Ultimate Yearly Forecast!
Doors are still open for subscribers, like you – at the Early Bird special price.
Love and Blessings,
Tania Gabrielle
P.S. The 2018 Ultimate Yearly Forecast airs LIVE on December 6, 2017. (Replay will be available right after the webinar). In addition to unveiling the amazing universal star codes for 2018, it also includes YOUR Personal Year forecast, and Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign forecasts.
Only a limited amount of seats will be available at the Early Bird Discount, so be sure to check out all the details now.

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