The main players are the names that make it into your homes onto your TV and media systems everyday, securing more and more of your confidence in them, as they sleaze on, secretly, behind closed doors, in ever sinking depths.
In the US there are is the Clinton Cartel with its Podesta Pockets, so deep and filled with filth.
In the UK, as in every country it is hard to find, impossible even, a person in a powerful or prominent position that has not got an offshore tax haven and that is not shoulder deep in greed or in aggressively securing more and more of their own, corrupt 'power'. All of this is plied with ritualistic practice, to imprint its 'Stamp of degradation' on the vibration of the planet, just to keep it this way....
I could go on, but we all know this, and knowing that we all know this, or very soon, will ALL know this, means waiting until we ALL see that physical and personal LIBERTY for all, is not around the corner but is suspended in a dimension almost within reach, but out of most people's understanding, because that too has been kept a secret.
While we, the normals, are struggling with the huge dumping of shite on us,
we the worlds populations,
we the 'supposedly less-than' the 'supposed elite 1%,'
are kept distracted from attaining our own hugeness and true values in life.
The values are, that WE are our own value, and WE are our OWN PURPOSE within a Unity of LOVE.
We ARE NOT the commodity with the sole function to a 'society' of how MANY pharmaceuticals we can swallow to keep going, and dying in the process, OR how many hours of work we can get, doing something only to pay the mortgage and taxes. The taxes and mortgages are 'things' that we have been bulldozed and brainwashed into thinking is the natural way of things.....
And a strange piece called my name was Seth Rich.
My name was Seth ForeverUnlimited |
You finally found me! I'm the source of the John Podesta/DNC Email hacks. I've been waiting so long for you to join me.
Thanks to Wikileaks and Trump Jr you'll all soon know why Hillary Clinton and John Podesta had me killed.
As you can see I'm no Russian agent. I was just a proud DNC staffer who believed in the system until I found out Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged the primaries against my candidate Bernie Sanders. That's when I decided to take action and release these emails to Wikileaks.
John Podesta was determined to make an example out of me and had me taken care of. Why did you think they didn't let the FBI examine the DNC servers? Yep, those servers would have lead them straight to me. John couldn't let that happen.
BTW, did you know that John Podesta is a Pedophile? Just ask him about Pizzagate next time you see him for me. Thanks.
Thanks again Wikileaks for upping my reward to solve my murder. I wonder why you'd do that for me? Oh, you are trying to tell the world I was your source. Whoops cat's outta the bag now.
Note: You didn't die in vain, Seth. 

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