Tuesday 14 November 2017

"A disruption of energy serves to bring more clarity. Bless it." As Shanta explains, "Blessing the situation will cause it to vibrate at a higher frequency. To bless means to confer energy upon. When we bless something, it brings the Infinite Intelligence in Divine Light to the circumstance. It also gives us the opportunity to ask for a Creative Solution if it seems so dire that we can't see our way through it."

"To the fearful eye, all is threatening. When you look toward the world in a fearful way, all you see and concentrate on are things that can damage and threaten you. The fearful eye is always besieged by threat.
"The loving eye can look lovingly upon anything. If we could look at the world in a loving way, then the world would rise up before us full of invitation, possibility, and depth. The loving eye can even coax pain, hurt, and violence toward transfiguration and renewal."
SYNCHRONISTICALLY, reinforcement of this theme arrived in my inbox this morning, through Shanta Gabriel's "Inspiration for the Week" email. Her message for the coming week is:
"A disruption of energy serves to bring more clarity. Bless it."  As Shanta explains, "Blessing the situation will cause it to vibrate at a higher frequency. To bless means to confer energy upon. When we bless something, it brings the Infinite Intelligence in Divine Light to the circumstance. It also gives us the opportunity to ask for a Creative Solution if it seems so dire that we can't see our way through it."
full message 

NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for November 13 to 19, 2017 By Pam Younghans

by ForeverUnlimited

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