Transcript of 11/4/17 As You Wish Talk Radio
by James Gilliland
November 4, 2017

Unless of course you are awake - know the agenda of the NWO and their minions the Deep State - then it is all very clear |
Unless of course you are awake, know the agenda of the NWO and their minions the Deep State then it is all very clear. They have to destroy America to enact their plans for world domination. To be more specific the Republic, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which are very closely aligned with Universal Law. Creators Law. If you want to fight for something how about restoring the Republic. Taking back our monetary system, diverting the trillions of dollars stolen and siphoned off back to the people. How about ending the Just us system and replacing it with a true justice system bound by the constitution better yet Universal Law. Educate yourself do your own research.
Know your adversary or you will find yourself working for them. The beast may very well be in your own back yard unrecognizable because it moved in very slowly, a little at a time.
Things very well may be opposite of what you think. Definitely different than what the lame stream media has told you.
The more you raise your fist and claim to be a victim the more you trap yourself into that reality. The universe will gladly manifest it. Why not reframe that program and focus on what you truly desire? It is incredibly obvious now that Governments and Religions will never bring about Universal Peace. They divide, without unity peace will not come.
Mother Mary once said, Universal Peace will not come through governments or religions but through the hearts and minds of the people. Only when the people educate themselves, rise up and demand governments, religions all institutions to adhere to Universal Law will there be peace.
What is Universal Law? It is written within the hearts and minds of all people. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. If you cannot find the impeccable integrity to live according to Universal Law, do the best you can. Do not participate in anything that would bring harm to humanity or the Earth. There is a Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good.” Find your heart, get your feet on the ground, use discernment concerning this division game. It has been so redundantly acted out it is beyond ridiculous. |
What is all boils down to is:Are YOU creating Heaven on Earth?Are YOU living according to Universal Law? |
Pass this on far and wide, it is a solution.
Be Well,
James Gilliland ECETI Official YouTube Channel
You have my permission to send this far and wide.
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