Friday 3 November 2017

If we alchemise the self, eventually the natural flow returns to us, and lessons will stay learned.

I watched this program last night on TV. Very illuminating, we all know this stuff but because our energy has been, and is diverted, we forget to what extent we are pushed and manipulated.
I remember growing up in London in the seventies, there were the rich 1% but there was more egalitarian elements in society, people had hope. Look how 40 years on, the normal population of England has been experimented on by the 1% to drain what little resources they have. The middle classes have been squeezed and still don't recognise that......

 ALL of us, that are NOT in the elite clubs of the wealthy, are being pounded by them.  The model that has made the rich, richer is about cashing on the debt of the poor. England has followed the same the pattern, which was devised by the US and is astonishingly worse in the US.  The historical program is not repeating itself, it is speeding up and driving itself off a cliff. So why would anyone, other than the 1%, want to maintain this disgusting old program? Why would anyone want to remain in such a convoluted and destructive monetary trap? Be done with it I say. How can any of this actually be made better for the masses? A complete and chaotic overhaul is needed at this stage, but who is prepared for that?

Look at the ridiculous views and comments from the 'service to self' minions, who speak volumes in their small petty sentences. It is not a redistribution of wealth, we need but a complete removal of the people who run this planet. Money needs to be totally cleaned up, transmuted, and restored to the energy currency of flow that has been blocked, manipulated and hoarded. We can't call in 'flow energy' abundance while we still carry serf/lord identities. Shake up and ship out these old programs, don't let them hang around our necks. 

If we alchemise the self, eventually the natural flow returns to us, and lessons will stay learned.

 The chaotic removal of old programs will, must, should proceed to break down- uncomfortably for most but surely painfully for all, until we clear our identity and attachment (shackled) to them......

 but rather that than have leeches sucking on my blood...And I say that with love, for myself and my fellow humans.


Watch if you can, its not horrible, but a normal 'being' would not want to visit this planet for a holiday, while we are still in this obscure chess game. Guessing we don't get many 'normal' being visitors anyway, just sayin'....

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