Saturn in Capricorn & Uranus in Taurus: Major Physical Changes Coming

This article is a continuation of my previous one about the primary ascending Earth world, the secondary ascending Earth world, and the Descending Earth world; aka the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. It’s important that you keep the primary and secondary ascending Earth worlds in your awareness as you read this article because I’m going to discus how each of them will most likely be experiencing some of the huge global changes coming due to Saturn entering Capricorn in December and then Uranus entering Taurus in May 2018.

Remember how Saturn got pummeled by seven Solar flares back in April 2017? I’ve mentioned this event multiple times since then because I know it indicated that Saturn’s energies had been dramatically altered via those seven Solar flares intentionally aimed at it. Saturn was energetically freed from ancient Team Dark (TD) programs they deliberately overlaid on Saturn to make it easier for them to control the very structure of 3D physical reality on Earth, and humanity, in not only one (Descending) but multiple old lower inorganic TD offshoot timelines.
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