Tuesday 28 November 2017

It can be said that we are each locked in to our own virtual reality. I know that is not a new concept, we have been talking about the matrix for some time now, and some of us are aware that the world around us is an illusion, a hologram. But how is that working for you? Good ? Could be better? Want Out? The meditation today showed me (via the locked down sensation in my arms) that I am, as are we all, locked into individual versions of reality. The mind reacts and responds to the programming of the hologram, and it does it in a subjective way, creating pathways that are repeating through and looping back into. When you want to break free from old programming and create new pathways it helps to realise that your mind, as it functionally is designed to do, 'sees' the environment and creates from there. Looping back into and through the pathways, you never get to leave the virtual reality that you find yourself in. The longer you are in that reality the harder it is is to change it. So if the majority of our virtual realities have been distorted and we have been locked into them, and we don't see it, it means that we remain vulnerable to ongoing transmissions into the realities we exist in and meaningful efforts to raise the vibration will be restricted by your own mind. So when we see Virtual Reality industries taking off, it means we are giving our permission to and consenting to a labyrinth of these manufactured life experiences, that cause the mind to just tuck itself up into and respond to by creating pathways that loop around and around in them. We succumb to the danger of going further and further down into rabbit holes, and the seemingly harmless world of VR makes our lives 'disney' and 'holywood', which make it harder to discern what is real and what you would like to be real. The Future of Virtual Reality | Phil Kauffold | TEDxSonomaCounty

I went into meditation today with the intention for clarity and truth.

I was being shown that being locked-in means that there is way to get unlocked. I was looking for some visuals to express the message and it was in the virtual reality arena that it made sense.

My theory is that We create our own versions, as beings of light (seemingly separated from source) that have come to expand through experiencing contrast from the purity of perfection. We all are from the One, but for reasons not yet clear, we are expanding from dumbed down and restricted versions of ourselves. The virtual reality constructs created through our experience are meant for us to expand through and out of. The overlays on our individual constructs mean we are born into a Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any other familial or ancestral overlay, with a predetermined emotional, physical, mental, spiritual remit, enhanced or hindered by the historical epoch, the political, educational, rural or urban environment in which we land. These are overlayed by the astrological and other mystical challenges thrown at us. The deal is to grow through them, to expand through them and then expand out of them. There is no good and bad, it just is. The deal is expansion through not contracting back.  Expansion comes in many ways, and there is a process, not clear to us in this 3d existence but the process is about regaining and expanding who we are from within the ONEness of which we are a part. the Oneness expands as we expand.

So the deal is we are one acting out our individual virtual realities, but then there is a clearing as we realise it that we are creating from a dumbed down version 'safety net' while we learn all the pitfalls of contraction and recreating the same old same old patterns from which we need to expand OUT OF.

The problem is that this system of creating from within a 'safety net' has been overridden by the hyjacking of our systems. The hostile energies and entities that reek havock amongst us, be they who they may, have taken advantage of and abused our inherent learning 'studentship' stage of creating for their own gain and used it against us. They are reluctant for us to leave the virtual reality system, and leave the hologram that they have infiltrated, constructed and manipulated, so that it is more difficult for us to move on and expand into our own sovereignty to resume expanded creation outside the restrictions. Our own systems have been used against us. How I came to this was by connecting to Saturn. There is a Saturn connection which i will write about in my next post...The Saturn connection.

For now, what I see is the potential for a massive expansion out of...or a deep contraction back into... old pathways, looping the loop.

 We each have a choice from within our individual virtual realities. Are we being enticed, (hyjacked, hacked)  to remain locked in?




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