I am moving out of the 'being' stage, where I have been looking at and integrating my 'shadows' and seeing where we as humans tend to drop, unintentionally, back down into rabbit holes and then forget where we are. The neuron pathways are like well worn grooves in the mud, it is basically easier to keep repeating in those tracks, until you see that where 5% conscious mind is working to get a higher road. The remaining, subconscious is deeply rooted in the mud grooves, so you don't recognise that you are only retreading old moves from old neuron pathways because,
- that is what you default to,
- you are 'good' at it, even if you may not like it,
- you are comfortable in them because
- you always 'know' and are 'familiar' with the outcomes of the stories that you write yourself.
So from being in the reflective state for so long, it has become clear to me :
that to write a new way of 'being' and 'doing' I actively have to STOP the old 'moves', back down those grooves, by saying STOP.
STOP: This will stop you from a old reflex which trundles your 'mind-biology' down those old tracks. BREATHE: Breathe, saying you want to create new neuron pathways, to 'being' and 'doing'.
So when you move from this place of 'seeing', you have to STOP yourself actively, as you 'see/FEEL' that you are in motion, flowing you backwards into a old neuron pathway.
When you are moving into the NEW 'doing' phase, and out from a reflective healing stopping phase, you CONSIDER that you want to 'do', and not just 'do as you have already been doing', but doing ANEW.
Rewriting the scripts that you have been working from means you have seen and SEE them, you have analysed the old scripts and don't need to keep repeating them. The NEW 'doing' phase means you have done the work, and you know the old will only keep taking you down rabbit holes, each deeper than the last, UNTIL you get the point of it, and say, NO MORE, it has to STOP. NOW.
One example for me, is the immediate showing presentation of a STRESS REFLEX that I acquired over the years, and so well tuned am I that I don't even see it. However it works only to make me sick. Also a BIG issue is that whatever 'spiritual' work I do consciously is null and void as the STRESS REFLEX is permanently on a subconscious loop, and so dominates. The quiet time I used to reflect on this has helped me realise that I acquired this in many ways, but one way was to 'inherit this mind-biology from my father. Since he died, I have been carrying the baton for 'it', the STRESS REFLEX.
It stops now.
So I have to say STOP, as a mantra, and STOP when I see the situations flow toward me that will trigger this reflex.
Our triggers can be quite harmless, benign, outrageous, or harmful situations.....
but if you look at the STRESS reflex, you can see that the inward mind-biology, creating this response is going to take you somewhere you don't want to be, and unless you SEE where you have landed in it, you won't be able to get free from it.
Action now is to STOP,
and to 'DO' from anew,
creating neuron pathways, from new thoughts and emotions, which combine to help you create the NEW in your external life.
Below are some youtubes from DR Joe disperza, which explains this.
And below is piece which explains how the writer puts 'STOP' into action.

Welcome, my beautiful souls - Astrology Answers readers. It′s Patti - your Spiritual Guide and Soul Space Facilitator here at Astrology Answers. Thank you for joining me and my November edition of Soul Note.
It feels like I am having an out of body experience. I am witnessing myself facing debilitating fear and my impulse is to run like hell. I need to have a frank discussion with my partner, expose my vulnerability and I feel the bile rise in my throat.
Fear tastes awful.
A world-renowned psychologist once wrote that fear can affect people in three different ways. We fight, freeze or take flight. I′ve become proficient at fleeing and pretty damn talented at freezing. I′m not a fighter - in fact; I try to avoid it at all cost.
In a moment of complete awareness, I have a noble and frank discussion with myself. Silently I affirm, “Not this time.”
This time I am being encouraged to stay, be present open and authentic. Not an easy task based on past programming, limited beliefs and the negative results that it had on my life.
Then ever so gently, like a mothers tender kiss to her sick child, I hear my soul faintly whisper that beyond this fear is freedom.
I have to remind myself - the mind′s tendency is to take you to the future or the past but I must be vigilant enough to stay in the present moment - I breathe.
Then cleverly my mind races in with a completely different agenda. “She” wants to freeze and she contemplates sticking her head and heart in the sand. Then there is the other “Me” who wants to “Be” with the fear.
I begin to inhale into this revelation and I am filled with superhuman powers—I imagine an “S” emblazed on my heart, and begin to expand in my moment of clarity. My mantra; stay in the moment, breathe and receive.
How did I forget the benefits of a simple breathing meditation?
Fear, which can fuel a mind quicker than a blink of an eye, had the capacity to take me down BIG TIME.
The more I rested in the awareness of the breath the more I realized I needed to stay anchored in the present moment. Being in the present moment fuels the spirit and this energy was dissolving the fear and giving me faith. I glanced across the room and began to speak; my authentic voice was leading the charge.
I was in good hands.
Until next month, be kind and be sure to join me next month for another edition of Soul Note.
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