Highest Ascending Earth, Secondary Ascending Earth & Descending Earth

Or as this has been called years ago, Planet or Earth A, Earth A/B and Earth B.
- Earth A is the primary highest frequency ascending Earth with a matching frequency population.
- Earth A/B is the secondary ascending Earth with an extremely wide range of humans, consciousness and awareness. Some on it are aware of the Ascension Process but still have old lower beliefs and expectations, while most of the population on it aren’t aware of the AP at all.
- Earth B is the descending Earth going into greater density and negativity, but for a short period because this won’t be allowed to continue for much longer.
If these different evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) Earths and timelines sounds cast-like or discriminatory to anyone, understand that this is entirely a matter of individual frequencies, current consciousness and beliefs which are frequencies in themselves. We each end up in an ascending Earth world that we are an energetic match with, but even that changes as we individually continue growing and evolving. If someone in the secondary ascending Earth A/B evolves more from embodying more NEW Light and NEW Light Codes and NEW DNA etc., then they will automatically evolve vibrationally, energetically further and eventually be capable of existing in a higher or highest ascending frequency Earth A vibration. Stair-steps as usual because every belief system(s) and every human incarnate now is not and never has been on the same identical level of awareness, consciousness, abilities, frequency range, development, soul focus and so on. That was not an insult but a truth, and a very important one now during the major AP related Separation of Worlds & Timeline (“bifurcation”) changes affecting global humanity.

I’ve heard many say that they wish they could have some old normal life back again, mainly because all this chaos, change, AP related Work and everything else simply gets to be way too much sometimes. I totally understand that but it simply is not going to happen. Why? Because if you’re evolving/ascending, and if you’re consciously aware of the AP and a member of the Ascension Community Team Light Tribe, then you already know that none of this is about going back to what has been at lower frequency levels, even if some of it made you happy and comfortable. That old world is literally disappearing, in fact it already has, and in its place is the secondary but ascending Earth world. So I suggest you do your best to stop wishing for things in the limited old world we incarnated into in these lives and stay focused in and on the ascending Earth world you’re in at this moment and all the NEW everything that’s wanting you to embody it so you can have so much more and so much greater than anything from the old lower world.

Realize that the old 3D patriarchal Earth world you and I birthed ourselves into in these current lives no longer exists, which also means that all those old codes—original and the TD interfered with distortions—no longer exist or work in the ways they have. We’ve evolved beyond them, and the more each person can remember this and stay open to more and continually higher frequency NEW Light, NEW codes, and NEW structures etc. coming in constantly now and being embodied by you, then the easier and faster all this will be for not only you, but for everyone above, below and beside you as well. We are all connected energetically and what any one group and Earth world does affects the others above and below that one.
As the primary ascending Earth world (A) with its Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers etc. continues to go higher first, we help the secondary ascending Earth world (A/B) with its largest population energetically draft off of us sort of like race cars do on the racetrack. The primary ascending Earth world continues going higher energetically, vibrationally which Pathpaves the way for the secondary ascending Earth world to draft off of us from behind which makes it easier and quicker for them to continue ascending.
On the other hand, when the secondary ascending Earth world (A/B) is having some difficulties and/or deliberate TD interference attempts at low levels and/or stagnation due to human fear, uncertainty, negative old habits or whatever may be the case, those in the higher primary ascending Earth world (A) feel this as a sudden drag, weight, slow down and hesitation from that level so we push forward more strongly to help that world with its largest population move past its fears, uncertainties, doubts, negative interference, chaos, or temptations to continue recreating what’s familiar to them from the old negative TD patriarchal world. The descending Earth world does not influence the primary ascending Earth world whatsoever, but the secondary ascending Earth world does and we directly and intentionally aid and influence it.
Many of you reading this felt something seemingly go off rails a bit around October 26th or so. [It’s getting increasingly difficult for me to keep dates right because I’m existing increasingly in Spherical Consciousness, which is the quantum Now Moment awareness, so, unless I write a short note about what happened and when, I can easily get the time of things wrong because I’m perceiving time so differently now as many of us are.] I felt a sudden and unexpected speed bump if you will in late October after all those constant Solar winds all month causing more changes to our magnetic bodies and to Earth’s as well. We’d been sailing along very quickly, although rather painfully due to all those Solar wind side/magnetic effects, when suddenly I felt an increase in negativity on a global scale. It was like a huge energetic fear pocket had been reached and we all had to push through it this time, which is exactly what we did. We pushed through that energetic knot both personally if needed which it was for many, and for the collective in the secondary ascending Earth world spinning its wheels in old lower frequency muck again. What’s important however is that this old fearful junk got blasted through via some more Work by those in the primary ascending Earth world frequency to help not only the secondary ascending Earth world move on past that crap, but to also help us not get slowed down by anything anywhere.
So if you suddenly felt extra miserable, angry, frustrated, sad, depressed, confused, scattered, off kilter etc. the last few days of October into November, this has a lot to do with why. It’s always a bit stranger than usual anyway at the end of each month transitioning into the next month—especially in the year’s final trinity months of October (10) to November (11) to December (12)—but this year these changes are so amplified and NEW to all that it can really be unsettling at times. If you remember that the primary ascending Earth world with its Forerunner/Embodiers/Wayshowers inhabitants are intimately connected to the secondary ascending Earth world with its vast and highly confused population, then no matter which of these two ascending Earth worlds you’re on at this moment, you’ll do better with all the mandatory evolutionary AP changes and EP (Embodiment Process) changes. Know where you are and know why you’re there and if you want to be elsewhere then do what’s necessary for you to get there now. 
There continues to be astonishing, amazing, beautiful uplifting experiences taking place side-by-side with escalated attempts by Team Dark to save themselves and their creations now and in their scant future timelines. Most of those TD controlled future timelines have been dead-ended and/or fully removed. I know because I am one of many Forerunners who’ve Worked that particular Mission Work very intensely since 2012. TD has been hustling to survive and keep their negative distortions and structures and do what they’ve always done; ride on the energetic coattails of humanity most but some others also. There are frantic battles, struggles, fights, cons and lying going on now with nonphysical Team Dark alien beings and others lower in the TD hierarchy, exactly like what’s happening with many human leaders trying to become global dictators themselves as these old timelines run down, dead-end, disappear, or survive for a while in the descending Earth world. There’s a lot going on and it’s only going to continue and expand so release whatever is weighing you down personally or collectively, plus be ready and open to Embody more NEW Light, NEW codes, NEW DNA, NEW higher you/You/YOU, NEW higher life, reality and creativity for yourself and everyone else brave enough to go so much higher. 
November 1, 2017
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